the past

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Harry and Endey went to Gribbleston apartment themselves. While they're gone, you've decided it's time to bring Manny to the asylum and have him and his dad to reconcile. You know it's a very dangerous quest but you're very much determined to see them together happy again. You never told the little boy where you're going.

Manny was surprised when you showed him Roy inside the mental hospital still in a straightjacket. Carefully, you caught for Roy's attention on purpose. He woke up and stared at your furiously. You shuddered in fear but then you realized something. Roy's mouth was covered to keep him from shouting at everyone.

You talked with one of the mental doctors there. Though very scared and concerned about you, she still agreed to let you in Roy's cell. His sudden angry twitch scared you but you remembered your small mission so you picked up courage and went nearer.

"Mr. Gribbleston, I am speaking the truth," you said. "I mean no harm to your one and only remaining neither on your whole family."

You turned to Manny, who was just standing in one place anxiously. He walked slowly when you gave him the signal to come nearer to you. You put your hand on his shoulder and turned back to Roy.

"Please listen to me once again. Ever since I came here, the only thing I've done to your son was take care of him and make sure he's safe while nobody was around. He refuses to come to you because you were holding weapons and he's scared you might hurt him," you explained and removed the thing that was preventing Roy from speaking.

Even though his father was binded by straightjacket, Manny still seem too afraid to go near Roy. You asked the employees working in the asylum to remove the straightjacket and did so. Roy pushed them as he got freed and quickly hugged Manny before he could run away. You smiled at the lovely father-son moment.

"Don't come near my son!" he barked at you.

"P-please don't kill me," muttered Manny.

"Why would I kill you?" asked Roy. "You're the only family I have ever left."

"But what about those..."

"I only killed them because I don't want them to be hurting any of you or your siblings," he said.

Glad that your mission is finally done, you went and tried to contact Endey and Harry but both only produced white noises so you've decided it's best to go to them inside the apartment. For some strange reason, you don't feel scared about those creepy haunted objects even though you saw some of them creep around the walls while you walked through the hallways.

You found Endey in a room, rummaging through the drawers, papers and photos scattered on the ground. You picked up one of the photos and noticed something. Roy and your previous landlady, Anya, were standing together with 3 children. The one-year-old child in Anya's arms looks familiar. It highly resembles a younger Manny.

Flashbacks went through your head. Anya have evicted you only because you appreciated her old wedding photo with her ex-husband, which is Roy. You've suddenly realized...Anya is the wife Roy got divorced with. You wondered, what huge fight caused them to split apart?

"Y/n, what are you looking at?" asked Endey.

"Uhh nothing nothing," you replied and dropped the photo.

"Remember, it's bad to look at someone's personal photos for too long."


You heard Harry shout outside the room. He went in and showed a pair of huge cans and a small old notebook. Both cans contained smelly rotten meat you couldn't understand and had labels on them saying "my family". You grabbed the notebook and tried to read the label on its cover but it was so worn out you could barely read it.

"I found those cans in the kitchen and the notebook in a room," said Harry. "I could tell they are more clues to this huge mystery!"

Out of curiosity, you flipped the pages of the notebooks. Not a single page couldn't be seen without random scribbles of a child's drawings that was accompanied by some writings that have messy handwriting. You tried to read what those writings said and you were only able to read few sentences.

"December 24, it's Christmas and we moved to this awesome place they call the apartment!"

"March 24, we went to the beach! We have so much fun"

"January 1, the fireworks were so beautiful"

"September 12, Manny almost got drowned in the pool but I'm glad Nathan came to the rescue"

"July 7, our cousins came to visit! Sophie was too talkative but she's still fun tho"

"May 16, mommy and daddy are fighting! They're so loud! Nathan and me tried to make Manny stop crying"

"September 30, mommy suddenly disappeared but I hoped she just went to find me a unicorn"

"November 26, it's my birthday but mommy still haven't come with a unicorn"

"February 14, Nathan is gone and Manny is crying alot and he suddenly doesn't wanna come to play with me outside"

"April 4, I noticed that one of those people daddy calls the renters love drinking some weird juice and daddy warns me to not come near that guy I dunno why"

The remaining pages were empty. You checked the back of the notebook but still found nothing.

"WHO THE HELL PUTS CORPSES OF THEIR FAMILY IN CANS?!" yelled Endey, who was holding the 2 cans.

"Idfk but probably there's a reason behind it," you said. "You know, there could be something it could do about..."


You heard an eerie child's voice shout out of nowhere. All 3 of you looked around on where the voice is coming from. Chills went down your spine. Suddenly, out of nowhere, sharpened blood-stained pencils shot into your direction.

"RUN!!" you shouted and sprinted out of the room.

Endey and Harry ran after you, still holding the cans and the notebook. One of the pencils stabbed your arm, causing it to bleed heavily. You fell on the ground, blood still sipping through your arm. Everything starts to get blurry around you. Your eyes felt heavy. You saw 2 families, represened by small shadows, happily running around and for some reason, you could hear them laughing, accompanied by echoes that made you uncomfortable.

The mother in one of the families suddenly punches her husband and leaves. A wild animal spawns out of nowhere and devours one of the children and a figure takes away another child's life. The father turns into some strange creature and leaves the last child all alone. That very creature then devours the father of the 2nd family.

Both the father and the disappears in thin air. 2 of their children gets attacked by another mysterious creature. The 2 remaining children then kills each other and transforms into food. Before you tried and focused on what happened to the last child of the 1st shadow family, your vision goes blank.


Place to Reside A̶n̶d̶ F̶e̶e̶l̶ T̶e̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ (2nd DHMIS AU with Y/N + OC Insert)Where stories live. Discover now