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(14 Years Later)

"Honey!" Mum runs into the room overly excited.

I look up in her direction and smile at how happy she is. It makes me smile when I see that she is in a good mood, which is really rare.

My mum had been depressed ever since I can remember, I'm not sure why, though, she never told me. I think it has to do with my dad leaving her. But I thought she would be over it by now, I mean, it has been over 14 years.

"You look overly happy. What's up?" Her smile gets bigger and she does a small little dance. I laugh at her giddiness before she begins to speak.

"I'll tell you, but I want to tell your sister, too," she replies. "Do you know where she is?"

"She's out with her boyfriend," I answer, but as I do, her expression drops a little. A mix of sad and angry. Sad because Mali isn't here to hear what she says, and angry because she hates Mali's boyfriend.

"Well, that's okay." She goes back to happy as fast as she went sad. "I can just tell her later."

And with that, she begins to tell me about how she had a daughter when I was only two years old. Mum told me how she couldn't afford the child because my dad left her and took a lot of the money. And because of that, she had to give my sister to the adoption center.

"The good news, though, is that I finally have enough money to adopt her back and take care of her!" Mum got over excited and squealed like a teenage girl.

I let out a chuckle and hug her for her accomplishment. "That's great mum! When do you plan on adopting her back?"

Her smile grows, and her face shows that she has an idea. "How about now?"


Don't you just hate when people are extremely impatient? Well, same, but how can you be patient when you are about to meet your sister that you have never seen before? And it wasn't helping that the lady behind the desk was talking a hella long time.

After five to ten minutes, she finally looked up from the computer, and "Ma'am?" was all she said.

My mum snapped out of her thoughts and looked at the lady to continue. The computer lady let out a huff, looking from me to my mum, then me, then my mum again.

"I have some bad news," mom's expression saddened and she looked down at the counter, fiddling with her rings.

"And what would that be?" she looked up from the counter and question the lady after a long period of silence. She was trying to gather her self and organize all her thoughts before she jumped to any conclusions. I would know, I do the same thing.

"Your daughter ran away about a month ago. She was in the orphanage at Perth the last time she was seen. We have sent search crews after her, made posters, and knocked on doors, but it's really hard to find her when she doesn't have a name." The computer lady finished talking, looking my mom in the eyes.

Mum looked away, not able to handle all that she was just told. Her eyes started to get water, her hands shaking, and she looked like she had a hard trouble standing. I wrapped my hand around her waist to help support her, and to give her comfort.

Suddenly, what the lady said hit me, and I turned to my mum. "Why did she say your daughter doesn't have a name?" I ask in a soothing voice. I didn't want her to get more upset, but I did want answers at the same time.

The one that stuck to me is why she didn't name her baby! What kind of mother doesn't name their baby?

As if she heard me, mom answered, "I didn't want to get attached to her, so I didn't name her."




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