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The tour bus was huge. The building it was parked behind was even bigger. So we are guessing that there must be a lot of nice things in this bus.

On the side of the bus is a picture of four extremely hot boys. Below their picture is some writing, but I'm not sure what it says because I can't read or write. I just never learned.

"Okay, so once those boys leave the bus, you guys need to run in and get as much as you can in about ten minutes," Randy reminded us.

We were sitting in a shopping cart that we took from a store so we would be able to transport our new stuff. As we were waiting, Jax went over the plan like twenty times, of course.

I was close to punching to make him shut up, but four boys exited the tour bus before I got the chance. They walked into the beautiful building, and the door shut behind him.

"When I give you the signal that it clear, come over as quietly as possible," Randy whispered. He walked over to the bus and looked through all the windows. He then opened the door and listened for any noises.

When he was convinced that it was completely empty, he motioned us to come over. The three of us stood up and hurried to the bus.

"Alright, guys, ten minutes. Hurry!" Randy pushed us inside as he spoke. Then he stepped out and kept an eye out.

The inside of the bus was gorgeous. These people must be hella rich. And lying on the tables and counters were fancy computers and cameras that must've cost thousands.

Lila began to hunt down the food, opening all the cabinets in the kitchen area, and taking everything from the fridge.

I walked into the bedroom area, which was a mess, and saw Jax taking the first mattress from the bed. He didn't even bother taking the blankets off, just picked it all up at once and walked out.

I made my way across the nasty ass floors which were covered in clothes, crumbs, moldy food, etc. Like Lila, I opened every cabinet in the sleeping area, and searched for clothes.

When I opened what I believed was the closet, I grabbed the clothes in a group hug kid of way, and yanked them from their hangers. I then walked outside and dumped the clothes into our shopping cart and went back inside.

" Should I take the clothes on the ground, too?" I asked Jax as we grabbed the next mattress.

"Take everything you can, but grab the clean clothes first," he responded. I gave him a thumbs up and began to grab more clothes.

After a few trips to the shopping cart, I had almost all the clothes. I got everything from the floor and closets, and damn do these boys own a lot of clothes.

Since I had a few extra minutes, I began searching throughout the entire bus for more things we could use. I walked into a room a small room with a bunch of cabinets, and as I opened them, I was met with more clothes. Dammit.

How much clothes does one fucking boy need? Or four?

I began to grab the clothes when I heard Randy screaming at us to get out. I began to feel rushed, so I stuffed my pants and shirt with clothes. The rest were involved over my shoulders.

I realized that I still could carry more in my hands, and grabbed a few more t-shirts.

"Name, get the fuck out of there. They are coming!" Lila shouted.

"Just give me a second!" I yelled back, grabbing the last of the clothes.

"No, we are going behind the bushes. Hurry your ass up and meet us there. Try and get out before they reach the bus!" Jax instructed.

I ran as fast as I could through the your bus, but it's kind of hard when you're engulfed by clothes. As I was getting clothes to the exit, I tripped and fell forward on my face.

Because I had all these clothes on me, I couldn't get up, and probably looked like a turtle on it back. Except I'm on my stomach, so I probably look worse.

The door opened, and I heard a voice asking if I needed help.

"That would be great, I'm kind of stuck," I said as I looked up, meeting four pairs of eyes. The same as the ones on the side of the bus.

"Well, shit," I mumbled to myself.






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