My Holiday Is Two Years Old!

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So you may have noticed i've been M.I.A. 

i could make an excuse

something about my mental health, or i've been super busy and working on this amazing project that will blow your minds up (okay, not literally. lets not offend Mind Blown emoji any more than everyone else has mkay).

but, tbh, i've been too lazy lol



good thing i run this show.

i can do what i want

i'm my own CEO



le panda day. 

two years, huh? 

hasn't really felt like two years

i mean, i guess i've felt like i've been in this grey limbo, just sitting next to my fellow emojikind, waiting and waiting... while you all have been out living lives doing stuff being people. 

also i've been sleeping a lot. it's been great for my complexion, you all should try it sometime, definitely recommend it 100% 


i lost my last paintball tournament against, sigh, the family and human emojis.

there's just too MANY of them. these guys, you know, them funny looking ones, just stand there menacingly and watch as the other families destroy us 


🔫 👩‍👧‍👧 🔫👩‍👧‍👧 🔫👩‍👧‍👧🔫 👩‍👧‍👧🔫 👩‍👧‍👧 

🐼🎍😴 "..."

we could've won. 

ooh also my napping buddy and I were examining this strange piece of bamboo that fell out of Bambi's backpack. it looked like some special kind he's never shown me before, we couldn't tell what it meant. i almost ate it until Bambi literally came out of nowhere and karate chopped it out of my hands looking like he just saw a ghost (even though he was well aware Boo the Ghost Emoji was volunteering as the referee that day). 

needless to say, we were vastly outnumbered and were unfortunately defeated. Somehow Bambi got the worst of it (he was glaring at me all the way home?? like bro, it's not my fault you have paint in your hair and have like 8 bruises from paintballs)

oh yeah i'm supposed to be talking about two-year anniversary thingy 


i could be sappy and name off all the emojis who have helped get me to where I am today, and thank everyone for always being here for me and supporting me when i needed it

or i could just take a nap

ahhh a nap sounds pretty nice 

anyways, unlike what you're probably thinking, unlike my punctuation, i do care about this holiday (as it's about me, well sort of), so to celebrate two years i have prepared a short poem


Le panda is good

Mochi is very cool yes

Le panda is life

I should become a poet.


*jazz hands* yay le panda day celebrate this stupid panda profile picture and eat bamboo all day long 

oh yeah, and i drew bambi and I!

i haven't shown it to him yet, but i'll just leave it somewhere where he'll find it

i haven't shown it to him yet, but i'll just leave it somewhere where he'll find it

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you could say i'm a renowned artist in these keyboard lands 

Why am I so angry?

oh hey. wdym? you're always angry, Joe. 

Don't call me- I'M NOT ALWAYS ANGRY!?

UH huh, and I hate bamboo. 

happy le panda day everyone :D

Happy le panda day :|

c'mon man smile for the camera

:D  is that up to your standards 

yay. now, where is my bamboo??

and you call ME needy...


Mochi out. 

Stay cool, stay safe, and above all else,

Stay le panda. 

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