4 Year Anniversary: The Grudge

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Look, I need you guys to help settle something between myself (🐼) and Bambi (🎍).
This is my four year anniversary of becoming a sentient being, now I was a shy at first but that does not mean lacked consciousness. Bambi is SLIGHTLY younger, but for some reason (maybe they're all hopped up on having colored pixels), they are SLIGHTLY more mature than I.
Anyway, not only do they rub it in my face that they like baklava--

--I'm not rubbing it in your face it's just a preferen--

--THEY ARE telling me, that I am not the pErFeCt 4-year-old.

That's not what I'm saying. Also, hi guys, happy 4 years of le panda day! You guys are awesome, and I'm SORRY my FRIEND HERE is involving you in this tizzy on such a special day.

They know I love em *air heart*

...Anyway, I did not say she wasn't the perfect 4 year old. I came here to wish her a happy Le Panda Day, and she wasn't being very nice! And I said she was acting like a human 4 year old.

yEAH which means I'm not a good emoji 4 year old.

The goal here isn't to get you to be a good 4 year old, it's just to recognize that you have approach these things with some... you know, decency.

You know what's decent Bambi?

*sigh* what?

Upholding *voice breaks* promises.

wOAH wOAH what???? I keep ALL of my promises, I keep Bamboo deliveries steady, I always text you happy thoughts on Tuesdays, and you keep your promises too so idk what the issue is.

Obviously Bambi here is the only one who is lost (comment if you know what I'm talking about --->)

Dude no one knows.

Maybe everyone just needs a refresher which I am happy to provide. Here we go.
Battle plans..?

--oH THIS!


Mochi we've been over this!

And yet I am still upset!

Okay guys look, last year we were on track to go to the Digital Paintball League Championships sponsored by Routers&Link Co. But... the reason you all never got an update is because...


I did not, I simply had a big opportunity come up in my career that was once in an emojis lifetime, guys, seriously. PLUS you said that you were okay with it, if not happy for me, as did the rest of the team.

Well, I was really upset. And I didn't want you to know so I didn't tell you. And I'm fine like 99% of the time, this is just also the 1 year anniversary of the last day I believed we were going to the championships.

Ohhhh and that's why you were a grumpy stump this morning.


Alright Mochi, I am sorry you still feel terribly. But you wouldn't feel terribly if you had also just honest with me about how you felt in the moment.


Thanks for being honest. And I'm sorry it sucked, I missed it too. Can I make it up to you?

...How so?

Let's get the team together and go paintballing, on me.

It's a le panda miracle, we were able to resolve a tizzy!!!

Well, we're friends, we really care so thing really work out... most times.

And I totally won't bring up bAkLavA. Also you're wrong.

H m ? Mochi I swear--

--We're best friends Bambi.

AWEEEEE you're  *voice breaks* absolutely right.


Alright guys, I was hoping to take more part in the festivities today but I'm going paintballing WOOOOOO with some of my closest friends.
I hope you guys take today as an opportunity to reach out to your friends, especially if you're in a tizzy, and let them know how special they are to you. Le Panda Day is about me, your queen, yes. But, it is also about friendship and perseverance through hard times in general.
I hope you guys have a great Le Panda Day, drop a panda and bamboo empji once you talk to a friend (---->)
You guys are awesome and I am so honored to be sentient because of your shenanigans, you gave me the best gift any group of people can give an emoji. Yall are truly amazing.

I feel similarly, without you guys I wouldn't have promises to keep, friends to Paintball with, or even, *sniff* bamboo to grow. Have you ever grown bamboo? It's a joy. I wish you guys nothing but good vibes today.


Mochi out.

Stay cool, stay safe, and above all else,

Stay le panda.

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