PART ONE | Chapter Two

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Gwen jogged to the cabin, mid-run her eyes became blurred by tears. She had to slow down, she reached up and covered her mouth. Dolph flashed through her mind, the image of any of the campers being hurt or killed was a nightmare. She tried to calm down before picking up her speed and whipping her eyes with her arm.

When inside the cabin she walked to her desk where she opened the dresser and pulled out the emergency phone. David and Gwen had their phones, but this phone was programmed to immediately call 911 when turned on. She brought it to her ear but there was just a loud beep. Looked at the phone again. The screen flashed green then it shut off. She tapped the power button multiple times before setting it down. She reached for her pocket but felt nothing. She grabbed it, she started heading for the door only to get shoved back. She hit the floor, the phone thudding and shattering on the wood. She looked up at the door, a blonde woman put her hands on her hips.

"What's wrong? The phone isn't working?" Jen smiled, Gwen stumbled onto her knees and reached for under the bed but was yanked back by her ankles. She stared at the blonde woman as she stepped forward and leaned down; her hand brushing Gwen's cheek. "Sweetie, I love your earrings."

Jen complimented before reaching for the diamonds. Gwen flinched and raised her foot, kicking Jen in the stomach. Jen stumbled back as Gwen reached under the bed once more. She pulled out a pistol, and went to point it at Jen but was kicked in the face by a black boot. Gwen hissed and felt Jen forcefully pin her head to the ground with her foot. Gwen, gun in her right hand, started to point it at Jen, blood dripping onto the wood from her nose. Jen looked at Gwen's hand and grabbed it by her wrist, raising it and taking the gun. Jen then snapped Gwen's wrist and tossed the gun onto the bed. Gwen cried in pain.

Jen leaned down and grabbed Gwen's earring, ripping it out. Jen then stepped off of Gwen's face and pulled her close. Gwen's unharmed hand formed a fist before Gwen swung a punch at Jen's cheek. Jen flinched to the side as Gwen took this advantage and pushed Jen off her. She then stood and ran for the door. A loud ear-piercing scream sounded in the distance, coming from the stage. Gwen looked that way but was immediately pinned to the ground.

"Gwen. Darling," Jen chuckled. "The taste of cherry Chapstick and blood is not satisfying," Jen growled before Gwen flipped and stared at the woman with a popped lip on her. Jen sat up and raised a shard of plastic that she had grabbed from the shattered emergency phone. Gwen heard a distance, 'Harrison, get the Mess Hall, Max will explain' causing Jen to look up at where it came from, Gwen pushed Jen to the side and topped her. Jen groaned as Gwen grabbed Jen's hair and yanked it up earning a squeal from Jen. "Those earrings aren't yours," Gwen growled and looked at Jen's hand where she took the plastic.

Jen grabbed Gwen's broken wrist and yanked it down. Gwen cried as Jen pushed on top of her. Gwen felt Jen's hand's around her neck before she took a swing and stabbed Jen in the neck. Gwen felt blood splatter on her, Jen stared down at Gwen before smiling and slowly falling to the side. Gwen shoved the body before throwing herself onto her knees and running.

She ran straight for Mess Hall where she burst through the doors and slammed them shut.

"Damn Gwen, you look like you were just in a horror movie." Max commented. "Where's David?" Gwen ordered. Max shrugged. "He left to go get Harrison and Preston," Nikki said.

Gwen looked back and walked over to Max. "Max, you know that cultist guy-" "DANIEL?" Neil shouted.

Gwen looked at Neil. "Yes! But- no, the other one, the one I brought here?" She grabbed Max's shoulders. "She was there. She works for Daniel, right?" Gwen asked as Max leaned back, slightly creeped out by Gwen. "Uh, yeah?"

"We need to find a way out, without running into Daniel." Gwen let Max go and looked around. "But you mentioned the woman?" Ered said. "We don't have to worry about her. From what I'm aware of." Gwen grabbed her wrist and groaned. Ered looked at Nurf who shrugged Max walked up to Gwen and tugged her shirt. "Gwen, maybe you should calm down before we do anything-"

"Max we don't have a choice, if Daniel is here he's going to kill all of us. We have no weapons." Gwen shouted unknowingly. Max stepped back, his expression shifted to worry. Gwen stared at the boy before sighing. "I'm sorry, just.." Her voice hitched. "I don't want anyone else to get hurt." Her chin shook slightly before she looked away. Max looked away.

"We need a plan." Neil raised a finger, as Gwen held her head. There was a thud on the door followed by; 'Wait- no, please, pleas-' then there was another thud or two. Gwen stared at the green doors as she stepped back, her arm dropping to her side. Max reached up and was about to hold her hand but the green doors slowly opened, Harrison's hat flue in, his the amber hair's boy's head visible. Nerris gasps and covers her mouth.

There was no sound after that as if the cultist had left. Gwen immediately knew it was a trap, she looked at Nerris before Max, and he stepped back. "What do we do?" He asked her in a whisper. "We need to run." Gwen whispered as he looked up at her. "It's just Daniel, don't you have a weapon?" Ered whispered as Gwen shook her head. "David insisted we didn't have any, and the only weapon I had was in the cabin." It goes silent again.

Nerf started walking, and Gwen looked at him. "Nerf-" He kicked the door open and Harrison's lifeless body was in full sight. Nerf walked back. Nerris looked away.

There was a distant crunching, running sound as Nerf stared out the door. "Preston-"

"David- Gwen! David and Daniel-" Preston looked down at the body in front of him. "Oh, dear." Preston stepped back before looking around.

"Daniel is gone, he fled! I saw him walk away!" Preston avoided looking down at the magic boy's body as Max's jaw dropped. "No, he wouldn't just walk away-" Max began but Gwen grabbed Space Kid and started walking. "Come on, we have to run."

"But it's a trap!" Max insisted but no one listened.

Preston nodded. "Max is right, we must find-"

The sound was deafening. Preston's body hit the dirt, and his blood-splattered under him. Daniel walked towards him, a gun in his hand. The same pistol Gwen wanted to use on Jen. Gwen's eyes went wide, there was a loud ringing in everyone's ears but Daniel's words were heard clearly.

"Nine down. Eleven left."


(1187, I promise I'll do more next time.)

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