Deleted Scene's

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Regarding the cancellation,
I have some stuff I wrote but never published.

-Blood + Curse words-

Gwen jogged to the cabin, mid run her eye's became blurred by tears. She had to slow down, she reached up and covered her mouth. Dolph flashed through her mind, the image of any of the camper's being hurt or killed was a nightmare. She huffed and tried to calm down before picking up her speed and whipping her eye's with her arm.

When inside the cabin she walked to her desk where she opened the dresser and pulled out the emergency phone. David and Gwen had their phones, but this phone was programmed to immediately call 911 when turned on. She brought it to her ear but there was just a loud beep. She blinked, looking at the phone again. The screen flashed a green then it shut off. She tapped the power button multiple times before setting it down. She reached for her pocket but felt nothing. She looked back at the emergency phone and grabbed it, she started heading for the door only to get smashed in the head, her body slamming against the wall. Blood splattered on the cabin wall and left a trail as she slid onto the floor, her head smashed in - blood pouring down.

The blonde woman who held the bat with a smile tossed the bat to the side and put her hands on her hips. "What a shame, I actually liked her." The woman chuckled, walking over to Gwen and pulling Gwen up by her shirt. She studied Gwen's jewelry before gently plucking the diamond's David had bought for Gwen from her ear's and dropping Gwen's body. Jen stared at the diamond's and reached up to her own ear's before taking out her original earring's and replacing them with the diamond's. She walked over to the mirror and studied herself. "Hmm. These look better on me, sorry sweetie." Jen smiled and left the cabin.


"Let's see, Nine down..." The blonde man walked in, using his foot to open the door. " Eleven left." The man held a curved dagger that had been stained with blood. It was silent for a long moment before Nurf started to run at Daniel with his pocket knife, Gwen watched him. "Nurf, no-'' Daniel watched the chubby boy before grabbing the rather short boy's head and shoving him into the nearest wall, Nurf let out a 'oof' before Daniel used the door and slammed it into Nurf. Nurf made a thud as the back of head hit the wood before Daniel did it again, the door knob hitting him in the stomach each time. Daniel slammed the door on the boy one last time, a loud crunch filled the room as Daniel pressed the door into the boy. A splatter of blood behind the door as Daniel stepped back. Gwen had her hand's over her mouth. Max's eyes wide as everyone watched in horror.

The blonde cleared his throat and looked back at the others. He scanned around the room. "Gwen, You look quite pretty right now." Daniel grinned. Gwen glared at him. She stepped back and put her hand on Neil's shoulder, her pointer finger tapping a couple of times.

Neil tensed up for a moment, Gwen kept tapping but it seemed more hesitant. A month ago, Space Kid had taught Gwen how to do Morse Code. He insisted that it was 'important for Gwen to know morse code so he could contact her in space'.

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