PART TWO | Chapter Two

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David sat down on Max's bed, a box in his hands. It was later in the evening now, and David's eyes looked sore and his face red, hinting that he had been crying previously. David opened the box.

"Sorry it took me so long, it wasn't just Camp Campbell I had to help with, of course. But I brought back anything that I could find and hold." David explained, and pulled out a merit with Wood Scout badges on it. Pikeman's eyes went wide and David set it on his bed. He also pulled out a dark gray eyepatch, and pocket knife. "I'm not supposed to bring knives in here, so hide it until we leave."

David slid over to the other side leaving Pikeman to look at the things David brought. David pulled out another eyepatch, this one seemed lighter in color than the one he gave Pikeman though, along with merit with Flower Scout badges and pink plaid skirt and a blue mirror. "I found the clothes in dressers. They're not dirty, I promise." David crossed his legs in front of Max, Sasha gripped at the bed sheets and turned away from the belongings.

David was hesitant but pulled out a purple jacket. "This was.. Gwens. And I figured you would want it because your blue hoodie was ripped." David said, and also pulled out four photos. He gave one to Max, one to Sasha and another to Pikeman. The last one David kept in the box.

Sasha had started crying, she hid herself, her hand pressing into her mouth trying to stay silent. Pikeman just stared at the eyepatch and knife, with tears forming in his eye's and Max held the jacket. Gwen only wore this when it was cold or she was sick. Max could remember that vividly. David gently slid the box over to Max, and Max glanced up at David before looking into it.

Mr. Honeynuts. Unharmed and smiling. Max's eyes widened and a smile grew on his face within seconds, Max grabbed the bear and stared at him making sure he wasn't seeing things. "Where was he?" Max asked. "Where you left him. My bed, from that night you couldn't sleep." Max hugs the bear, it didn't bother him if Pikeman or Sasha saw. David smiled at the boy before grabbing the box and getting off the bed. He sets the cardboard on the built-in counter and grabs his photo from it.

Sasha was pulling at her hair as she cried, trying to be quiet. David walked over and sat down beside her.

His hand rubbed her back gently, she flinched slightly before David gently pulled her over and she immediately hugged him. David was used to calming crying children, Space Kid was an example. The boy used to get homesick.

David looked at Max who had the bear in his lap, his one hand fixing the bear's fur and eye, the smile never left. Sasha gripped at the back of his shirt, her sobbing becoming more violent. David pulled himself onto the bed more, Sasha shifted and he held her close. She found comfort in that, and it was very obvious. Her shoulders started relaxing once he put his arms around her.

David remembered how Max had comforted him even in his weakest. David will always remember that, and swore that he would help these kids no matter what. David heard Sasha start quieting down.

David started gently petting her back, up to her head. It was common for David to find Sasha crying, and she wouldn't let him near when she was crying except for these last couple of times. She was slowly accepting that David wasn't going to... do what her parents did. David assumed Sasha had fallen asleep, and slid himself to lean against the wall of the bed.

Sasha wasn't asleep, and sat up, she wiped her face and used her shirt to dry the tears. David smiled softly and continued to lay against the wall. "Did the nurse give you medicine this morning?" He asked and she nodded. "The normal stuff." "So you're sleepy, have you slept at all today?" Sasha shook her head.

"Come here. You know you guys are supposed to sleep all day. It's how you heal." David said as Sasha laid on him. She was stiff, and didn't know what to really do. David gently stroked her hair and she started to relax.

Since day one, Sasha was nervous around affection from adults. David made sure to be careful, and immediately knew it was her parent's who caused it. He didn't want to push anyone out of their comfort zone.

Sasha relaxed herself on David and David found himself watching outside. The bird's around the hospital pecked at the cement. He loved nature, of course, it was obvious to everyone, and it did bother him that he was leaving Camp Campbell. But he didn't want to return. He lost, and he wasn't going to try again.

With that he looked around and rubbed his forehead, he too was tired. He would need to take a nap, tomorrow was the day. He sighed and his head fell back, he slowly closed his eyes and fell asleep within seconds.


"Pff, what are you doing?" "Uh, it's called admiring my love?" David said cheesily, and kissed the button of Gwen's nose, cheek and chin. Gwen held his shoulders before hugging his neck. "Darling, we are supposed to be watching the kids!" Gwen's laughs as David kisses her neck, his arms hugging her waist.

"They're fine, Max is with them." David muttered into the crook of Gwen's neck as she giggled. "Do you trust him? After he's set up a tinder account on your phone?" Gwen looked at David, pushing his head away from her neck. He looks up at her with a grin.

"Of course, it's Max." David said and picked Gwen up, carrying her to their cabin's.


David woke up slowly, blinking his eyes open, finding himself in a dark room. He looked around, Sasha cuddled at his side and Max cuddled Mr. Honeynuts as he slept and Pikeman who was staring at the ceiling. David watched Pikeman for a second before gently peeling himself off Sasha.

"You okay there, buddy?" David whispered and Pikeman looked at him. He was holding a crumpled paper. David stared at it and reached for it. Pikeman didn't even bother hiding it, David took it and un-crumbled it.

'I wish I could talk' The paper read. David frowned, Pikeman was the only child who hasn't shown any emotion since the accident, other than silence and small tear-ups. David looked at Pikeman, a tear fell down the side of his face.

"Hey.. I know, but you're getting better." David laid down beside him. "Right? The nurse said you were able to eat soft food." Pikeman nodded.

"Is this about them? Sasha and Max?" He asked, looking at Pikeman as he had no reaction. "Snake and Petrol?" David asked, and Pikeman tensed, larger tears formed in his eyes, the moon light from the window revealing them. David frowned and sat up. "I know. You must want to say sorry." David started and Pikeman nodded slowly.

"You know.. They would tell you that sorry is for.. Erm.. pussies." David struggled saying the last word, but it made Pikeman smile. If Pikeman could sigh, he would. David reached up and brushed his fingers through his hair.

"We all want to say sorry, or any last words, Pikeman. So if you need to talk, tell me, I'm here for you. No matter what." David said, looking down at the red head whose tears formed and dropped, he let out a whining sound as he clenched his fist while laying there. David looked away, and stared outside again. Watching the moon.


(Sorry this isn't posted on the 20th like I said, just going through stuff. Unfortunately.)


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