PART ONE | Chapter Five

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"I- I just-" The strawberry blonde girl sobs, warm tears running down her face as the police around her bed wait patiently.

The girl had a bandage on her nose, a black eye, missing fingernails and a broken ankle. "It all happened so fast, Tabii and Erin-" With those names she made a hiccup noise before more tears formed and she started bawling.

"We need to get a hold of her parents, she's out of control." The officer to her left sighed. "They aren't answering their calls."

"I'm not fucking stupid, I know that." The officer glanced at the crying girl before walking out of the room. The officer that was left, knelt down by the bed and gently patted Sasha's back. Sasha sobbed and gasped. "They would still be alive if I hadn't- If I had just let them-" The police officer made a 'shhh' sound and kept rubbing the girls back.

"Don't blame yourself, nothing would have changed. I promise, the whole area was attacked. You're not the only one suffering." Sasha looked at the officer. 'I'm not the only one suffering' repeated in her mind, over and over again. She stared at the officer. "Who else survived?" She turned serious. The officer smiled.

"Edward and Maxwell and David the camp counselor-"

"Are you fucking serious?!" The police officer outside shouted before walking into the room. "Officer Briana, I need to speak with you." Sasha stared at the officer in the doorway before the one near the bed stood and left the room.

Sasha remained silent and listened. "We got a hold of her parents."


"They don't care. They're on an island, and they claim to have 'forgotten' that they had a daughter."

"... What do we tell her?" As the officers talked, Sasha felt her mouth twist, and more tears began to fall. She huffed and used her palm to wipe her tears. Her eye's felt sore, but she couldn't stop crying. Even if she wanted to. She knew her parent's had forgotten about her. It didn't bother her anymore, that was the point of making the Flower Scouts so wonderful.

She had tried to make them proud, she had tried to make them remember, she tried to make the Flower Scouts amazing just to get their attention. Only for some blonde woman to kill off her two friends and Miss. Penelope Priss. Sasha bit her lip and covered her face, sobbing into her hands.


"We need your parent's numbers. If you don't know them that's fine, just tell us your address." Edward looked away. He had bandages on his shoulder and some wrapped around his head supporting his jaw.

The red head held the pen in his hand, and stared down at the paper. His hand shaking, and his ears ringing. All sounds tuned out.

"Snake, I need your help with a new plan."


"Oh god.. OH GOD-"

"He's not even listening to us." The police officer growled. "Sir, you have to remember that all of these kids just watched their friends die. In front of them." The other officer replied. "That's no excuse, the kid can write, he proved that just a moment ago by writing down Billy's and Stephen's parent's numbers and addresses."

Edward looked up. He looked back at the paper and started to write.

'They won't be able to come here.' He wrote, and the officer looked at him.

"Why not?" Edward became hesitant. 'Their dead. My dad was an army's man, and my mother got sick.' He writes slowly as the officer grabs the paper. The officer re-reads the words over and over again before setting it down and sighing.

"Just like the others. No god damn parent's." The officer brushed his fingers through his hair before leaving the room. The other officer walks out as well.


"He woke up not that long ago, but when I went to wake you up after I asked how he was feeling, he insisted on letting you sleep." David smiled at the nurse, before looking at Max. The child slept soundlessly. "So you did inform him about his.." David made a gesture toward his arm and the nurse nodded.

"He knows everything." David nodded. "We gave him a pain killer and he went back to sleep before he could read the letter his mother and fathe-"

"Where is the letter?" David asked immediately. The nurse was startled slightly. "Oh, it's on his bedside table. With the flowers the hospital provided." David stood and walked over. He grabbed the letter and stared at it for a long time. "Sir?" The nurse started. "Might I inform you, the other children don't have anyone to look after them. You may not want this information, but I thought I would tell you in case you were worried about the others." The nurse said and David looked at her.

"Thank you for telling me," David sighed. "Do you have a phone I could use? I am going to have to make some calls."


(TOLD YOU I'D POST MORE OFTEN, HEHE- Anyways,  chapter five is complete. To be honest, you probably already know the story based on the description and cover of this book but, OH WELL- You guys are forced to read a couple more chapters before the story ACTUALLY begins! MWAHAHAA)


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