January 19, 1504: 7 AM

185 4 0

"Fally, give me the purple bowl, it's mine!!" Jo whined. I looked at her. Purple was Jo's favorite color. Each of us had our own bowls with our favorite colors on them. Mine was pink, Jo's was purple, Luffy's was red, and Jamie's was blue. My mom and dad have white bowls. I usually get my pink bowl, however, about a week ago, when my mom was giving me some soup, the boys were playing hard and bumped into me and made me drop the bowl. It was sad because I really like that bowl and pink is my favorite color. So now I just choose whatever bowl I want.

"Jo, it doesn't matter what bowl you get, you just need to eat," I told her. Jo glared at me and with her hand in a fist, she slammed it down on the table, yelling "NO!!". I stared back at her. Jo wasn't supposed to yell. If she did she could get in trouble. "Jo, you shouldn't yell, you'll get in trouble!" I explained. My mom appeared carrying Jamie. She had just changed his diaper. Jo turned around to mom. "Mommy! Fally's not giving me my purple bowl!" Jo whined. My mom set my brother on his chair and looked at me. "Fallon, just give Jo her bowl, you can use daddy's". I felt confused. "But I thought that only the adults could eat out of the white bowls?" My mom looked around. "Just be careful around the little boys". I nodded as I gave the purple bowl to Jo and I grabbed the white bowl. My mom each gave us a big spoonful of oatmeal and a slice of canned peach. The peaches taste really good.

When I woke up this morning, my dad was gone. He had to leave really early to go make sure the ship is ready. I didn't have any nightmares anymore after I went to my parent's bed so that's a good thing. Each morning, my mom makes us breakfast. We usually have either cereal when it's hot outside or oatmeal when it's cold. This morning was cold so we had oatmeal today.

After all of us got oatmeal, my mom looked around for Luffy. After hearing some loud noises from our bathroom, my mom sighed and knocked on the door. "Luffy, are you alright? You've been in there for a while." I heard Luffy giggling so I think he was just playing. My mom opened the door and Luffy started screaming. I think he was naked. "My gosh, Luffy! How many times do I have to tell you that when you go potty, you don't have to take off all your clothes! And stop playing with the toys while you're on the toilet!"

Jo, Jamie, and I waited a minute before my mom brought Luffy out. She sets him down on his chair and then she sat in her own chair. "Alright, whose turn is it to say grace?" We always say grace before eating to show God we are thankful for the food and to make sure it is healthy. We learn to say grace when we go to church on Sundays. "I can say it, mommy," I say. My mom looks at me and smiles, "Thank you, Fallon". We bow our heads.

 "Dear God, thanks for this food, make sure it makes us healthy, Amen!" We all look up and start to eat. I grabbed my spoon and start eating the oatmeal. It tasted sweet but it stuck to my mouth. It was still good. Jamie tried to put some oatmeal in his mouth but it got over him. He laughed. My mom tried to make sure that Jamie wasn't making a mess all over himself.

I looked outside. It wasn't that bright yet. There was a little light in the sky. I had school today but it doesn't start for another hour. However, I walk to school so it takes about half an hour to get there. Because I was six, I get to go to school. I had just started two weeks ago.  I had made a few friends already. Their names are Marley, Clova, and Madeline, but we call her Maddy. Maddy lives near me so sometimes we walk to school together. We both live near the coast of the island, but she lives near the main port of our town while we live near a smaller port, so that way my dad can have his ship to take people places. 

That reminds me of something. I put down the spoon in my empty white bowl. I ate everything all up.  "Mommy? After school, can I go play at Maddy's house?" My mom looked up at me. She was wiping my brothers' faces. They can be so messy. "Did she invite you over or do you want to go over there?" she asked. "No, yesterday, before walking home, she asked if I wanted to come over, her mom knows and everything, can I please go over after school please please??" I begged. I even made my lip face. Placing the messy napkin down, she looked at me again and sighed. "Ok, you can go, but I want you home before dinner starts at least, ok?" "Yay!!" I giggled. 

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now