March 13, 1505 3PM

42 1 0

A black caterpillar crawled by me as I crouched down next to a large gold desk. If I wasn't thinking straight, I would have thought that the whole desk was actually solid gold. However, from the looks of the gold colored shavings nearby, it seems as though the gold was only painted on there, as the dark wood stood naked from where the gold did not hide it.

That's kind of how I felt at the moment. Only the difference between me and the wood was that nobody was around. About an hour ago, however, this place was filled to the brink with people. There were some who were super short and others who looked to be about as tall as Papa. Others didn't look human but I was told not to talk so I kept my thoughts to myself.

Unlike every other year, we normally would head off to the island with the mountain bandits and do some trading there. However, it was told through some intel that their source of means of distribution of weapons and money had been taken from them and they were all killed. It was unfortunate but Papa laughed on and said we would find other business with other people that managed to stay alive.

So here we were, on a desert island, hiding inside a bank. Earlier in the day, Papa and the other executives had a meeting with a very important man. However, this man refused to cooperate with Papa and so here we were in this man's very large and fancy bank, waiting out for the sound of an explosion. 

A shuffling sound made me turn my head, only to breathe a sigh of relief once I realize it was only Baby 5. She and Buffalo were also waiting for the same signal. I glanced at the corner I knew Law was around as I squinted my eyes just a little bit, seeing a casual movement in his shadow and a smile came to my face, knowing that my boyfriend was still there.

These past couple of months have been nothing short of normal for Law and I, with the exception of spending time together every chance we could get. Between training and my dance lessons, we got a few hours a week and we planned out everything. From some action moves we were going to work on, to our favorite foods, to even our goals in life, we never left anything out. It made me feel bad that no one else could know about our relationship but every time I would mention a boy in my dance class or outside in general, Papa made an effort to scare them away and also to deter me in another direction. If he even knew about Law and I, what would he do to Law?

An explosion jolted my thoughts as I lifted myself up and sprinted towards the sound. As the other kids and I ran towards our destination, more gold filled out peripheral vision as we turned a corner. How much money did this guy actually have, to not only own a bank, but have the appearance of gold everywhere?

Smoke filled the air as Buffalo used his propellers to clear the air. Eventually, we came upon the other executives and soon, the top officers came into view, including Papa. He seemed like he was laughing as I approached him but soon came to realize he had his large hand wrapped around a man's neck. This guy looked to be in a gold uniform and it soon dawned on me that he worked for the bank. 

Papa threw him to the ground as his body clanged against the metal of the now destroyed safe. His eyes drew open and I realized that he was dead. Papa had killed him.

"Alright now everyone, listen up," Papa threw gray sacks at each of us. "Gather as much loot as you can and get back to the ship immediately. This dumbass over here thought it would be a wonderful idea to call for the Marines and I do not want to face them just yet." Papa motioned to the dead worker in the corner and I nodded as I understood why he did what he did.

Law stood next to me as he handed me a sack and we all entered the safe. Now outside of the safe, I thought that gold decorated all sorts of the area. Inside the safe, gold, but not only gold but real gold, and jewels, and berries, infiltrated this space as each of us hurriedly took up as much as we could. 

I grabbed an armful each time and dropped it into the bag. After a while, I noticed my arms start to become heavy and l looked at everyone else filling their bags. Most of them were almost done and were finishing tying up the knot on the top of their bags. I glanced over at Law who was way ahead of me. Why was I so behind?

I quickly started doubling up my efforts as I took in more and more gold and other precious objects and shoved them into the bag and soon become too tight for me to add anything else.

Diamante, who had not been in the safe at the time but came back, held a bag over his back. "Let's go! They're already here!"

I attempted to tie the top of my bag but with the amount of stuff I put in there, it didn't seem possible. Everyone else was filing out until it was just Law and I.

"I can't tie the bag!" I exclaimed, explaining my problem to Law.

He dropped his own tied bag and tried to help me but failed to do so. "It seems you put way too much stuff into here. I would suggest taking out some but that would defeat the purpose of us robbing the place."

I sighed as I attempted to move the bag forward and almost reached the exit of the safe when a tall shadow loomed over us and a couple of pink feathers left his huge coat.

"What seems to be the problem, Fallon? The marines are almost here, we got to go now!" Papa looked down on me through his sunglasses as I pointed to my bag, explaining my problem. 

He sighed as he picked up the bag. "Move along! Both of you!" he motioned to both Law and I. Papa soon ran off toward the ship as Law picked up his bag and I ran alongside with him.

As we soon exited the bank, Law stopped.

"Fallon, can you check and see if there is a tear in the bag? Something feels off."

I nodded as I looked around the gray sack. Sure enough, a tiny hole with a coin coming through appeared on the bottom of his sack. However, an idea came to my head.

"I see a tiny hole here. But how about I help you out and carry it with you?" I asked.

Law scoffed. "I don't need your help!"

"But Law, we need to go! The Marines are almost here! Look, I'll lift on this side and then let's run!"

He sighed before thinking about how I was right. "Fine, but let's go!"

I quickly lifted up a part of the bag and we both ran off together to the ship.

A/N: Hey y'all!! I just want to apologize for not writing here for so long! My soon-to-be ex came over last week (we are in separate states now) in order to attend a baby appointment (she's doing fine🥰) and I was preoccupied with all of that and I also started my new job last week so that's been crazy. I will try to post twice a week but I'm not 100% going to follow up on that so I apologize and thank you to y'all who read and vote, it makes my day:)

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now