March 11, 1504: Later that day

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The rest of the day went about as normal. Although he didn't seem well, Papa was able to teach me for a few hours today after breakfast. He didn't seem too sad that the kids that came to join the family ran away. Actually, when I told him what happened, he laughed at the reaction that the boy, Hogan, and his friends made. 

"Next time, I'll just send you two to fix the problem," Papa laughed. "It seemed that you and Law handled it just fine."

Training was hard today as Papa wanted me to prepare for my first mission coming up next week. He made an obstacle course with his string and as he blindfolded me, he timed me to see how fast I could make through the course without touching any of the strings. It was difficult at first because if I ran into one of Papa's strings, it would cut me, but slowly I was getting used to it and every time we would practice, I would get cuts on me less and less. 

Papa told me the reason he wanted me to do this was to be able to sense anything unusual when I am on missions, like if any enemies or dangerous weapons are nearby. He told me that once I mastered this, I will have learned Observation, or Kenbunshoku, haki, which is kind of like a sixth sense to where one can detect people and even emotions. Tomorrow we would work on the other form of haki, Armament, or Busoshoku. 

After a yummy lunch of calzones, I went into the playroom and I practiced the piano. Papa got it for me not too long after I asked him for one. He bought a couple of learning piano books to go along with it. There hasn't been a single day in which I did not practice. Depending on the song, sometimes it would take me an hour to practice, other times it would take me three hours! Today was only an hour day so afterwards I got to bring out my dolls again and finally have the wedding I wanted. I thought about for next time when I play how I needed to decide on how many kids I wanted my two dolls to have. Before I could do that though, it was time for dinner. 

Out on the table was fried pork chops, sushi, ravioli, chicken tenders, and hamburgers. For dessert, we had chocolate cake. Sometimes I wondered why we needed to eat all this food but then my grumbly stomach tells me otherwise as I grab another food item for me to devour. However, I couldn't grab much as everyone piled on more and more food so I stuck with eating chicken tenders and chocolate cake, which I asked for seconds. I like sweet food.

A quick history lesson was our school for the day and then it was bath time for me. In the huge bath tub that all the kids plus Giolla share, I sat down in the water as Dellinger swam around. When I first found out that Dellinger could swim, I thought it was so cool, especially cause since he's a baby. However, Giolla has to watch out for the both of us because Dellinger has been growing new teeth lately and likes to bite my hand when I'm not watching, like what happened today.

"Ouch!" I waved my hand as a little bit of blood leaked out of the bite Dellinger gave me. It wasn't the first time he bit me and made me bleed but it still hurt a little. 

"You're hand should be fine," commented Giolla, already washing off the soap on Dellinger's tiny body. She grabbed a nearby towel and went to dry off the already slippery baby. He giggled as she set him down on the ground, his hands catching something in the air. 

I looked down at my hand he had bitten. The blood was already starting to slow down. "I'm ok now." I stood up in the tub, the water reaching to the tops of my thighs. Stretching out my arms, I showed Giolla all the scratches and cuts up my arm. "I was bleeding a lot worse this morning."

"Oh your poor pretty arms!" Giolla lamented, trying to put on a diaper for a squirming Dellinger. "I guess this means that you need to get better at avoiding any harm so you don't hurt yourself."

I laughed as I sat down back in the water, splashing. Maybe there will come a day when training with Papa doesn't result in me getting hurt, but when will that day come? I have no idea. Once Dellinger was all dressed with a bottle in his mouth, Giolla motioned for me. "Here, let me wash your hair." I scooted over to her, the bubbles in the bath gradually moving up toward my mouth. 

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