January 21, 1504: 6PM

87 3 0

My body shook as I opened my eyes and gasped. I expected to see light but I found myself in a nearly dark room, back on the ship, and in my bed. How did I get here? The last thing I remembered was eating at the really yummy restaurant where I had shrimp and felt really tired. Maybe I took a nap when I got back! But I guess I slept for a while because the sky looked almost dark outside. 

I sat up and looked to my right at all of the other beds. No one was in them, so where was everyone? As I rubbed my forehead, some loose strands from my braid were stuck on my face and I realized I had been sweating.  My sheets and blanket were also halfway on my bed and halfway off. Sometimes that happens to me when I sleep and so my mom has to make sure that all of my sheets are tucked in before I go to bed. I felt a little sad thinking about her and I looked out the window. Suddenly I gasped at what I saw! I wasn't alone!

Law turned a page of his book before looking up from where he was reading. "You move a lot when you sleep, you know that?" he commented. He was sitting on the ground right next to the window. What was he doing here?

I scooted on my bottom over to where the wooden board was at the end of the bed and sat on it, my feet landed on a hard surface. It was a chest. That was new. I looked at Law. Maybe I could talk to him about this morning? He didn't say anything to me after I lied to Giolla about where the glass cup came from. But I wanted to ask him some other questions first.

"How long was I sleeping?" I asked. The purple dress I still had on was bunched up and so I straightened it out so it was touching my knees. 

Law looked out the window. "A few hours. You were lucky I was near you when you passed out or you would have split your head open on the rocks."

I turned my head. "I had one of my episodes?" I didn't remember having one.

Looking at me, he had on a disgusted face. "Yeah, and can you not sit like that?  You're not wearing any underwear."

My eyes widened when I realized what he said and I quickly jumped down and sat on the chest, my feet barely touching the floor. I pulled on the dress to make sure it went over my knees and so that Law wouldn't be able to see anything else. How embarrassing! My face felt red.

I couldn't say anything else and so I stared outside at the window. I had another episode? Three days in a row? When I first found out about my condition, I would have an episode everyday, but after the doctor told me to sleep more, I hardly had them. I noticed the sky had a lot of orange and red in it. It looked like something my little brothers would draw.

"You're really young to have narcolepsy, you know?" Law glanced over from his book.

I blinked and looked at him. I had forgotten he was there for a moment. "I'm only six. How old am I supposed to have it?"

"Usually around the start of puberty are when symptoms usually begin, but sometimes it can even show up in people as old as 30. But you aren't going through puberty now, are you?" he rose up an eyebrow.

I turned my head. "What's puberty?"

Law smirked. "Oh you would know if you were going through it." He turned back to reading his book.

I started taking out the braids that were in my hair. As I untangled them, my hair still felt kinda wet. Who cares how old I am. If I'm having my episodes, then I'm having them. I can't control it! But I was curious about one thing. "Law, how do you know so much about neckolepsy?" I asked.

"It's narcolepsy," Law corrected. "And 'cause I do, why do you care?" 

I rolled my eyes and pointed to his book. "Is it because you read a lot?"

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