October 23, 1504: 8PM

44 3 0

After dinner and a yummy dessert of chocolate cake in which I ate the most of, we headed back into our room. Thirty minutes later, we had both gotten into our pajamas and Law had settled into bed already, reading his book. I , on the other hand, was finishing brushing out my hair, feeling like I was missing out on something.

"What would happen if we just snuck out of here?" I asked Law, slowly lowering my brush through my hair.

He raised his eyebrows. "And where would we go?"

"I don't know. I'm just bored!" I plopped down onto the bed as it bounced up and down. It's like I had so much pent up energy and I had no idea what to do with it. 

"Well go run a few laps around the room or something, I don't know!" he looked back down at his book and lifted a page.

Bouncing the bed a few more times, I suddenly had an idea. My face turned into a grin as I leaped  off of the bed to put my hairbrush back in the bathroom. However, as soon as I stepped foot onto our bed, I got Law's attention as I started jumping up and down, in turn moving him up and down as well. I laughed as Law's annoyed face stared into mine as I continued to jump.

"You know you have a whole other bed to jump on if you want. You don't have to use just ours," Law stated.

I sighed. "You're no fun!" At least he could have joined me in jumping or something! I proceeded to climb the other bed and started to jump. However, this time it felt different and playing on this side seemed off. 

"Law, I can't jump the same way on this bed. Why can't I go back to our bed?" I whined.

"Because I'm reading, Fallon. You don't have to bother me with whatever you're doing."

I sighed again, only this time, I slid down off the bed and onto the floor. Law had spent most of the time indoors reading and now even before bedtime he still wanted to continue doing so. It seems like there was no way in which he would spend time with me right before bed, but maybe I had an idea.

Lifting myself off of the floor and onto our bed, I timidly crawled over to Law, slowly grabbed his book and placed it on the nearby nightstands, yanking his hands up towards me. 

"What the hell are you doing?" he asked me, quite surprised. 

I laughed at his response, enclosing my hands into his. "Now, let's jump!"

Suddenly, his demeanor changed and we both started bouncing up and down, giggling at each other. I had so much fun with Law today, from playing in the waterpark, to having a nice spa day in the afternoon, to even a lovely dinner date. Yeah I was a little annoyed with him not paying attention to me, but now, here he was with me. 

We jumped for another few minutes until suddenly, Law took the grip we had in our hands and used it against me to push me onto the bed. The force surprised me as he encaged me with his arms and legs, his whole body hovering over mine. I was not expecting this sudden act by Law and now here I was, pinned underneath him with his gray eyes like daggers piercing my golden brown ones. 

Normally if Law were a different person, I would attack to get him off of me but I didn't.  Instead, I enjoyed the moment, feeling a strange warmth in the bottom of my stomach.

Although it felt like hours, eventually, Law lifted his gaze from my eyes and plopped down to my left side, releasing my arms which were above me. 

"You should probably get to bed," muttered Law, lifting up the sheets on our bed for me to go under. I took the top sheet and proceeded below to cover myself until just my head and arms poked out. Law turned on a lamp near the nightstand and walked over to the light switch to dim the lights in the room. He joined me in the bed moments after, lifting up his book and switching to the page he left off.

My mind was still on the events that happened just minutes before. It's not that I didn't like it, in fact, I wanted him to do that to me again. But why did I like it so much? And why was Law acting like it never happened?

He turned a page. "Law?" I asked. 

He hummed in response. "What were you doing to me after we jumped on the bed?"

He sighed. "I shouldn't have done that. I'm sorry."

"But why?" I pleaded. I really did like what he was doing.

He rubbed his temple. "Don't worry about it. I told you I shouldn't have done that, so leave it!" he growled.

I looked up at the ceiling which I could only see a portion of it, based on the shadows of the lamp Law turned on. He flipped another page.

Carefully, I crawled underneath his arm and gently laid my head down on his chest, quickly glancing up at him to make sure it didn't hurt. I felt his breathing move me up and down as I wrapped my right arm around his waist and closed my eyes. 

After a while, a hand gently started rubbing my shoulder as a pair of lips pressed down on my forehead. The action was so tender and affectionate that the only other person I could think of who would do that was my own mother. The act only made me melt into his chest even more as our breathing soon synchronized and the lull of sleep picked me up.

A/N: I apologize for a short chapter but I'm trying😅 Also, I want to thank everyone who has gotten me to the 900 read mark! Only 100 (or let's be honest, a lot less than that) more reads left until I hit a thousand!!! So based on the fact that I combined two chapters a while back, I want to still try to reach the 80 chapter mark for this book. Which means that I want to do a 1k read special chapter!! I want to announce that now so that way when the time comes when I do hit 1k reads, I will have it ready and out for y'all! Now I have two options and if you want, tell me which one you prefer reading and I will have it out ready.

Option 1: This will be a Law x Fallon when they are adults but in an alternate one piece universe. This was my original plan for this story line (but once you read it, you'll see why I decided not to do it). I also want to preface that I don't do smut (I put this story for everyone and I also don't think I would be very good at it anyways😅) but that doesn't mean I won't have any PG-13 scenes in there😏

Option 2: This will be a father-daughter chapter with Doflamingo and Fallon when Fallon is an adult. This will be more of a comedic, second-hand embarrassment type of scene which also might have some PG-13 scenes (but not between Doflamingo  and Fallon, I don't do incest because ew). If you want to see where Fallon ends up in the future, then this is the option to choose.

Anyways, so here are the options! If you have a request, you can also comment below and I will take that into consideration:) To vote, just comment below and I will mark it down! I will let this go from today until September 8, 2022 or until I reach 1k, whichever gets here last. If I don't get any comments saying which one you prefer, I will choose a random option with my lovely Random Generator and I will choose☺️ Again, thank you so much for reading, voting, saving, and commenting and I hope you have enjoyed Fallon's Story thus far:)

Fallon's Story: A Forgotten One Piece TaleWhere stories live. Discover now