rescue mission

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I hated being with the Durseleys they always treated me like shit. I had a list of chores to do this morning and I had to cook their breakfast. " where's my coffee boy!!" My uncle barked. " coming sir." I say as I poured his coffee. Then I handed each of them a plate. " ouch!! This is hard mommy!!" Dudley whined. My uncle got up and threw the plate at me. " BOY YOU DONE IT THIS TIME!! " my uncle yelled. He grabbed me by my shirt and threw me in my room. He hit me with his belt. " YOU DESERVE THIS FREAK!!!" he yelled . " I'm sorry I will do better!!!" I cried..

I felt pain and I woke up from a nap.  " mother father!!" I yelled.. " what happened son are you alright?" My mum asked. " I felt pain, my mate is hurt!!!" I said.  " who's your mate son?" My father asked. " ahhb damn muggles!!! Its harry potter!!!" I say. " Lucius we need to rescue him from those people!!!" . my mother said. " don't worry  honey I have a plan." My father said.

It was late around midnight sometime and next thing I know I was in pain. I tried to muffle my screams as best I could. But I heard the door rattle. Oh shit I'm dead..

I had walked into potters room and I seen he was pretending to sleep. " harry, its professor Snape come on let's get out of here, I'm talking you away from these horrible people." I whispered. I brought him to malfoy manor and he was having a hard time breathing. " Severus get him to the pool!!" Lucius said. An hour later went by and I went to check on him. I was in shock..

He was a beautiful mermaid!!! He had long red hair and a beautiful blue and pink tail. He had purple bra for the top. He was gorgeous. " lucius come here quick!!" I say. He nearly fainted.. We did a test on him and a moment later we got the results .

Birth certificate
Harry j. Potter
July 31,1980
Father James potter
Mother lily potter
Real birth certificate
Moon Star Snape
July 31 1980
king Severus T. Snape
queen Lily Ann snape ( in hiding)
God father. S. Black
Mate Draco L. Malfoy
Dom.. Merman neko
Snape castle
Black manor
312, 789, 470..
We were surprised at the results.  " severus you have a son?" Lucius asked. " yes sir moon is my son." I say. We discussed what could happen when Draco sees him and the plans for school. Thankfully moon was only a mermaid on a full moon. The other times moon has blue hair and looks feminine. " hello professor Snape." Harry said. " hello Harry are you alright?" I asked. " I'm fine. I have a tail now!!" He said. He swam under the water and did a flip. " well now I need to go change." I laugh.
" I'm sorry sir, I surely didn't mean to." Harry said. Draco walked out and harry screamed. " why did he scream?" Draco asked with concern. " Not sure why." I responded.

A few weeks go by and harry was very quiet around me and everyone. He apologized for screaming because I guess I accidentally spooked him. It was time for breakfast and harry was very quiet and sat by me. " morning, would you like some eggs?" I asked. He shook his head no. " okay, how about pourage?" I asked. He shook his head no again. " show me what you want to eat." I say. He pointed to an  apple and a muffin.  " father why isn't he talking?" I asked. " he's going through a phase right now and its part of his inheritance." My father explained. " I wish you could talk to me harry, I love you so much and I care about you." I say as I hold his hand. * I. Love. You. Too. Draco..* "  Did he just sign to me?" I asked my Godfather. " yes, he did. BSL. " he said. He hugged me and I just felt like I was on top of the world.

A few weeks later

It was time to head to school now, harry was able to talk a little bit but not much. So I was asked to keep an eye on him. I had my inheritance already and I was a merman neko. We went to the great hall and sat down and had our feast. * what should* I * eat* harry signed. " show me what you want." I say. He pointed to some soup and pumpkin juice.  Ron and hermonie walked by and stood by us in shock. " why are you sitting with him?" Weasel asked. " my .. Boy.. Friend......" He mumbled. " harry what did he do to you!!" Weasel yelled. " nothing." He mumbled. " go away from us !" I say. " harry why are you talking weird?" Granger asked. *I'm. Scared. Draco. Can. We. Go. Now. Please. I . don't. Want. To. Be. Here . anymore.* harry signed. " what the bloody hell was that?" Weasel asked.. " its sign language Ronald!!!" Granger snapped. " he's not deaf!!!!" Weasel protest. " no, but if I'm correct harry went through his inheritance and he's a mermaid." Granger said. " how'd you figure that out?" I asked. " well, I'm a  nympth. Kinda like a fairy." She said. " so you went through an inheritance???" I added. " yes I did and my mate is pansy  ." she said.  " cool, does she know?" I asked. " not sure." She said smiling.  * I want to go .now.* harry signed. We said our goodbyes and left.

A month later..
Harry was able to talk a little more. He was still timid around people. We where heading to class and um bridge was back for another term. I hated her so much.. She was supposedly  there temporarily.  Harry didn't trust her at all. We sat in the back of the class. * I don't want to be in this class* I don't feel* comfortable* harry signed. " okay babe. We can go when she's not looking." I whispered. We snuck out of there and ran to the library. " I .. Don't want her. Teach." Harry mumbled. " I know honey I don't either." I say. " I need swim with you in lake." He mumbled. We headed to the lake and he jumped in and I jumped in with him. " I'm cold!!" I say as I shiver. Harry swam over to me and grabbed my arm. " warm now?" He asked. I felt a warm sensation go through my entire body. " yes I am." I say . we swam for a while and then we got out of the lake. * that was fun.* harry signed. " yes it was babe." I say as I dry off. We head back to my room and we get stopped by the toad . " WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU WHERE DOING IN THAT LAKE!!!?" she yelled. " he wanted to swim and before you snap on us again, we have permission from the headmaster to swim." I say. * let* us go b****!! * harry signed. " harry please let me handle it." I say trying to calm him down. " WHAT WAS POTTER DOING WITH HIS HANDS!!! " she demanded. " he was signing to you to leave us alone!!" I yelled. * temper babe. * harry joked. " sorry love." I say. I forgot he was sensitive about that. " BOTH OF YOU NEED TO GO BACK TO YOUR SEPARATE HOUSES OR RECEIVE DETENTION." she yelled. * no! I * need to be with* Draco* he's my mate* harry signed. " POTTER ENOUGH OF THIS NONSENSE OF YOURS, YOU HAVE DETENTION!!!" she yelled. We walked away and harry flipped her off. " COME BACK HERE YOU BRAT!!!" she yelled. We ran as fast as could to Severus office and hid inside his closet. * I'm sorry* harry signed. " its fine, I would have done that too." I said.

We stayed hidden for about an hour and then I heard snape come back in his office. " Draco, Harry I suggest you can come out of my closet now." He said. We stepped out and sat down in some chairs. " how did you know we were here?" I asked. " I can sense the fear and my son has a special scent." He said. " oh I forgot about that, I'm sorry." I say feeling dumb. " Care to explain why you two where hiding in there?" He asked. " um bridge mean we went swimming.go back room she yelled at us." Harry mumbled. " she yelled at us and then harry got detention for using sign language and as we left he was upset and flipped her off. Then she chased us." I explained. " I see, so harry why did you flip off her?" He asked. * she was mean and I didn't know she* saw me* I'm sorry Dad* harry signed. " I forgive you moon. But you should not do that again alright." He said. * yes*sir* he signed.  " you two may go now." He said. We left and went to the great hall for lunch. " harry, what would you want to eat?" I ask. He points to what he wants and I get it for him. " hey potter! Why can't you talk?" Pansy asked. " he can talk, but not a lot. Why do you ask." I say as I put my arm around him. " I was just wondering, also is granger single?" She asked. " I don't know, I think so. Why don't you ask." I say. * can we go to* the room*of * requirements* harry signed. " why?" I asked. * I want* to* talk* I am* scared* he signed. " scared of what babe?" I asked . " toad look at us, she is evil. I need comfort." He mumbled. We left and go to the room of requirements. " Are you alright?" I asked. " I see her." He mumbled. " see who?" I asked. " my mother, she is hiding. Voldemort want kill me." He mumbled. " harry I think we need to talk to snape." I suggest. * Yes* but not him* he signed . " who?" I ask. * Dumbledore* he knows already.* I told him* don't let* toad see me* I don't trust* her.* he signed. " harry you're hot." I say as I felt his head. " keep touching." He mumbled.. " uh harry, are you alright?" I asked. " in heat." He mumbled. " oh I see, you want to have sex." I say. He nodded. **smut warning** I gently laid him down and I undressed him. We kissed and he grabbed my hand and put it down there. * please....* he signed. I rubbed his area and then he had me kiss his stomach and he giggled. Then he mumbled " hump". I got on him and he enjoyed it . he came fast. I cleaned us up and got dressed .. ** smut over**

A few weeks later
Harry was feeling sick and I was worried about him. So we went to the hospital wing and they ran some test. * I think they have the * results* he signed. The nurse came over and handed me the results. Harry was 4 weeks pregnant.

An** this story will be a bit intense and mature.. I will have an age limit. 18+
Adult content.

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