A new journey

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Most of the story will be in Draco pov or Snape.. In later chapters you will find out where lily is hiding. ***

Its been a few days since we found out harry was pregnant. We had to tell Snape soon but harry wasn't ready yet. I wish he was able to talk more and I wanted to know why. So I had to ask Snape. I went to his office and harry was with me. " sir, can I ask you something?" I asked. " what is it?" He asked. " Do you know why harry isn't talking more now?" I asked. " he does talk." He said. " I mean like you and me. He barely speaks. He mostly signs when we are around other people. I am worried." I say. Harry must of felt some tension because he was leaning on my shoulder. * I don't* want to talk* much* I am* afraid people will* make fun of my true* accent* he signed. " wait, what accent?" I asked. " dis accent, Draco. Ever since my inheritance I developed a accent. I love you." He said. " oh harry that accent is beautiful." I say. " tank you" . harry said. Granger walks in and then harry went silent.. " draco I want a word with you." She said sounding a little annoyed.  * what's wrong with her* harry signed. " oh thank you Draco for telling pansy to ask me out!" She said. " I told her to talk to you, that's all I told her." I said. * Draco can we go now* I feel anxious* harry signed. We left and headed to our room. " babe, is everything alright?" I asked. " yes everything is fine." He mumbled. " harry I know something is wrong, please tell me." I say. " Friend.. I don't know.. I just.. Feel anxious.. " he mumbled. " that made no sense, what's wrong?" I asked. " I can't.trust them , they yell a lot. I don't like yelling." He mumbled. " I'm not sure who was yelling, but I'm here with you and I think you need to take a relaxing bath and let me cuddle you." I say in a loving way. He smiled and we went to the bathroom and I helped him get in the tub and he relaxed. After his bath we went to the room and laid down. It was gonna be a long night.

I was getting ready to teach potions class when harry and draco come in and draco looked worried about something. " what's wrong?" I asked. " its harry, he's not talking. I don't know what happened." He said. " harry? Are you alright?" I asked my son. * I'm fine* my throat hurts so I don't wanna talk to much.* I'm * sorry for worrying* you* he signed. " why don't you go to the hospital wing and have Madam Lilith take a look at him." I say. " who's that?" Draco asked. " she's a nurse from st. Mungo's , she's here to help madam pomfrey out." I say. They leave and head to the hospital wing.

We get to the hospital wing and harry started feeling dizzy. The nurse came up to us and asked if he was alright. " he's not feeling good, his throat hurts." I explained. " Alright then I will take a look." She said. * no touch!!!* harry signed. " harry she has to see what's wrong with you." I say. " is he deaf?" She asked. " no he's not, he's a mermaid and he doesn't speak English that well and he signs." I try to explain. This lady probably thinks I'm mad and belong locked up at the mental ward. " oh well that changes everything. Would he be needing some water or tea with honey?" She asked. * water!!!* he signed. He drank some water. " ahhhhh!!" He screamed. " babe its okay." I say. * no * not okay* she gave me* hot water* I want to * swim.* he signed. " he wants to go to the lake and swim." I say. " I'm sorry but I need to keep him here." She said. * no I leave* you not nurse* I want my father* he signed. " you can't do that, get snape please!" I yelled.

I arrived in the hospital wing and I was wanting to know what was going on. " what happened to my son?" I asked in a stern voice. " he wants to swim and the nurse is refusing to let him leave.!!!" Draco yelled. " what is going on?" I asked. " Severus, harry is not able to swim right now because he's in heat !!" The nurse said. " why does his throat hurt?" I asked. " I gave him some healer water and it should help soothe his sore throat." The nurse said. " so that was the hot water?" Draco asked. " its not actually water, its a medicine for sore throats." She said. * thank you* my throat is not hurting* anymore.* harry signed.  " thats a good thing." I say. * where's my mum hiding* harry signed. " harry we don't know where she is hiding." I say. * I want to find her* he signed. The nurse wanted to speak with me in private about something. " is everything alright?" I asked her. " who's he trying to find?" She asked. " his mother lily ." I responded. " I was looking at him and did an examination and I found a birth mark in the shape of a crown on his right arm." She said. " what are you talking about?" Draco said as he walked out of the hospital wing. " harry has a royal birth mark in the shape of a crown on his right arm." I said.  Madam Lilith showed us a birth mark on her arm that was also a shape of a crown. " lily, you're really here?" I asked.  " I'm lilith Marisa Jones and I'm a healer at St. Mungos ." she said. I felt like a crazy fool asking that question.

We left the hospital wing and harry was quiet the rest of the day. We headed to the library to do some research and I found something that could help us find his mum. We went to potions class and the toad was watching the class. " professor Snape , I need to see you after class if you're not busy sir." I say. " I have another class to teach so maybe after that alright." He said. I nodded and went back to work. The toad was walking around and examining our potions . " potter this is not the truth serium. You fail!!!" She yelled. " we aren't making a truth potion, we are creating a healer potion!" I say. " Silence! Stop interrupting my class and let my son work!!" Snape yelled. * I'm sorry !* harry signed. " you're fine son, you did nothing wrong. " he said. " HES NOT YOUR SON , HES A STUDENT AND YOU'RE HIS TEACHER NOTHING MORE!! I WILL LET FUDGE KNOW OF THIS INAPPROPRIATE BEHAVIOR!!!" she yelled. " FUCK YOU , EVIL BITCH. HE IS MY FATHER and YOU VEED HELP OR A MENTAL INSTITUTION. I SHOULD SEND YOU TO VON!!!!" harry yelled. " harry , you spoke!!" I say as I hugged him. " ves I spoke, za toad had no vight to disrespect me or my father like DAT. " harry said. " HOW DARE YOU TALK TO ME THAT WAY POTTER!!!" she yelled.  He got up and his eyes were red. " HOW DARE YOU DISRESPECT A PRINCE AND HIS FATHER WHO IS A KING! You SHALL PAY FIR WHAT YOU DONE. YOU ARE TO BE PUNISHED!!!!!" harry yelled. Then the room started to shake and then it stormed like crazy outside. " HARRY WHAT ARE YOU DOING!???" I asked. " SHES BEING PUNISHED!!!" he yelled. Then he concoured up a water ball and threw it at um bridge and she turned to stone. Everyone ran off screaming. Then harry fainted..

What do you guys think of harrys power???

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