the proposal.

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***an moon has feminine qualities and changes from he and she. *** ( harry)

Its been a month since the changes and I wanted to ask moon to marry me. We went to hogsmeade and I had to have my father distract moon so I sneak off in to the jewelry store. I brought the ring and it was beautiful. It was heart shaped and it was royal blue.  When I came back from the jewelry store Moon was in a panic because I was gone a little to long. " oh thank Merlin you're here!" Snape said. " what happened?" I asked. " she was looking for you and started freaking out when she couldn't find you." My father said. " I told you guys to distract her and what I did would only take a few minutes." I said. " Draco, I was scared  , where did you go??" Moon asked. " babe I was only gone for a few minutes. I'm never leaving you." I say as I hug her.  " I love you Draco." She said. " I love you too baby, I love you so much." I say as I kiss her . we head to the castle and I had to get everything planned. I had to have Moon go with severus and my father for a while. I head to the room of requirements and everything is looking good. My father walks in and looks like he ran a marathon. " moon is freaking out and she's running down here now!!" He said.    " Draco where are you, I'm scared of being alone." She cried. " babe come here, I have something to tell you." I say as I held her close in my arms.  " baby what is it, I am scared." She said. " when we first met, things where tough. But then I realized how much I loved you, I want to have more kids with you and live a happy life. So , Moon Star Snape will you marry me?" I asked. " yes I will marry you." She said. We kissed. I picked her up and brought her to our room and we had sex. * smut warning**
We kissed each other and I kissed her neck and I licked her chest and stomach.  " ooh drakieeee keep going..." She moans.. I kissed her area and she moans softly.  " I want more..." She moans. I hump her and she grabs my ass and I moan. " drakieeeeeee" she moans. Every move and every moan she gave me was beautiful. We made love all night.. Then we both fell asleep.**smut over** 

I woke up and I felt sick. " Draco!! I don't feel good. Please wake up!" I yelled. " Draco!!! Please wake up!!!!" I yelled again. I started crying and shaking really bad.

I woke up and saw moon crying. " babe hey, what's wrong?" I say as I hold her. She threw up and passed out. I had my father watch Aqua as I took her to the hospital wing.  A few hours go by and the nurse walks up to us and says moon is pregnant. " oh babe little Aqua is going to be a sister." Moon said. " I'm relived that you are okay." I say as I hugged her. This was the best news ever and we had to tell my father and snape. We head back to our room. " father we have something to tell you guys." I say. " what's going on son?" My father asked. " moon is having another baby!" I say. " aww moon we are so happy for you!" Snape said. They hugged her and she was feeling better. " I'm so excited." Moon said.

Time skip

It was late at night and moon wanted to go to sleep and cuddle. Then I got up to use the bathroom and then I heard a scream. I go back to my room and she was gone. I found a note on our bed.
If,you ever want to see him again .. We suggest you join us and kill dumbledore.
Or moon harry potter , or what ever his name is will die.
My crazy aunt kidnapped my girlfriend. I ran to Severus chambers and explained everything. Then we told dumbledore. " we need to find moon and soon!!" I yell. " we will find her Draco, don't worry." Dumbledore said. " where could she Be??" I ask. " I don't want to lose my love, I can't live with out her." I say. " we will find her don't worry". Snape said. 

I woke up in a strange room tied up to a chair. " what do you want from me!!!" I yelled. " we want to talk to you harry, we know about Draco." Tom Riddle said. " let me go!!" I yelled. " I want to hear you scream." He said. " leave me alone!!!" I scream. He took a knife and cut my arm. " ahhhhhh!!!!!!!!" I scream. " no one can save you, no one cares about you." He laughs. He cuts my hair off and cuts my neck. " ahhhh stop!!!" I scream. " let me Go!!!!" I yelled. " you are gonna die." He said. He cut my stomach and I pass out.

I want to find her now and no one was understanding.. I had a feeling of where she was taken. I told the others about it. We went to hide out where Bella trix was at and we snuck in. I noticed her unconscious in a chair.  Her beautiful hair was cut off and she was bleeding from her stomach. I heard a scream and I untied moon and got her out of there. " we need to leave now!" My father said. We left and brought Moon to the hospital wing. She was badly injured and lost a lot of blood.  I couldn't take it anymore I had to leave the room. " DEAR MERLIN PLEASE DON'T TAKE HER FROM ME! I LOVE HER SO MUCH!! SHES MY EVERYTHING." I cried. " Draco are you alright?" Snape asked. " no sir I'm not alright. The love of my life is dying and I can't do anything." I cried. " you know he I mean she wouldn't want you beating yourself up over this, harry , I mean moon would want you to be strong and brave." He said. " I know sir, we have a child to raise and I don't know how to explain anything when aqua gets older about why mommy is not here." I cried.

A couple months later

Its been a couple months and still no change. I've been trying to keep my head up but its hard. Aqua is starting to talk now and I really want moon here to witness everything. " momma tick?" She asked. " yes my little one momma is sick." I say. " Me miss momma ". She said. " I do to sweetie." I say as I hold her. I went to go see moon and get some kind of update. " no change just like the last time you visited." The nurse said.

Another month
No change
A year later
Aqua is now 1 years old and moon is not getting any better. The nurse was talking about end of life care and I couldn't take it. " please my love, fight . I love you so much. I miss you, our baby misses you. Your father misses you too. We all try to keep positive but its hard. We only continue to fight for you. We love you so much. I want to marry you and grow old with you. Moon please if you can hear me give me a sign." I say as I hold her hand and kiss it. My father and snape come in the room and join me. " hello Harry, moon , sorry. Its been a while since we spoke and its lucius by the way, we are praying for you baby girl. We love you so much baby girl, I care about you my baby girl. Please stay with us." My father said as he kissed her head. " moon my dear please stay with us. I love you my dear child. " snape said as he kissed her head as well. We all hugged each other and cried. Our moon was gone and there was nothing we could do.

The end.......
Sorry guys I don't have any energy to finish .......

Just kidding!!!!!!!!!!

This is not the end!!!!!!!

The next chapter is going to be up soon.

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