earning back trust

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Harry was still depressed about what happened at the manor and I needed to find a way to fix everything. This was going to be hard. I found harry in the tower and I sat with him. " harry, I know things are rough right now. But we will get through this together." I assured him. * I love you Draco, I know I can* always count * on you* harry signed. " I love you too baby". I say as I kiss him. A moment later my father and Severus showed up. " thank Merlin we found you." My father said. " where you looking for us?" I asked them. " yes Draco, we want to talk to you." Snape said. * Do you love her?* harry signed. " harry I know that this is difficult to hear but lily doesn't love me." Snape said. *I don't believe it!* I want to hear* it from her* harry signed. He handed him a note. He was in tears. * I'm ready to go now* he signed. " harry please listen!! We love you so much and we want what's best for you." My father said. * you love* me?* harry signed. " of course I love you , you're with my son. And I will never let anyone hurt you." He said. " Lucius, I ... I love you and you're my life and my light." Snape said. * what* you're in love with him* harry signed. " Severus, you said that to me back at the manor didn't you?" My father asked. " yes I did. I meant every word." He said. " I love you too." My father said as they kissed. * get a room* harry signed.  " sorry son, didn't mean to gross you out." Snape said. * I was trying to be funny* I'm sorry* harry signed. I hugged harry and he started to feel tired. * I'm ready to go now and get some* sleep* Harry signed. We left and went back to my room and went to sleep.

I wake up early and I go take a shower. Then I get dressed for school. Draco and I went to the great hall for breakfast. I wanted to swim before class but we had to get our first lesson right away. *I'm bored* I want to swim* I sign to Draco. " harry we can swim before lunch alright." He said. * yay* I signed.

Harry must be in heat or something because he is wanting to swim a lot. He couldn't be in heat because he's pregnant. I needed to ask Snape about this. Luckily we had him next. We went to potions and I walked up to Snape's desk. " professor, I have a question to ask you about harry." I say. " what is it?" He asked. " harry has been wanting to swim a lot lately and I know he can't be in heat, because he's pregnant. So do you know what it could be?" I asked. He looked at me with concern in his face. " how many months is he?" He asked. " 5 months today, why?" I asked. " maybe its because he's getting closer to his due date and he is craving the salt water for the babies health." He explained. " interesting, do you think he will be a good king  one day?" I ask. " yes, he will. But after he gives birth he will take form of a female. That's why I named him Moon." He said. " how can he swim right now though, the lake is frozen. " I say. " the prefects bathroom on the 4th floor has an indoor pool. He may use that." He said. " does it have salt water and is it heated?" I asked. " yes it is warm and salted." He said.  I go to my seat and he began his lesson. * why can't I swim right now* harry signed. " before lunch babe." I said. * I'm hot babe* harry signed. " we will swim before lunch alright." I say again. * father* I'm hot* I need to swim* I need water* he signed. " professor Snape, may I please take him to get water?" I ask. We left and he ran to the bathroom and jumped in the bathtub. " okay you were not kidding." I say. We stayed in there for an hour and then we went to the great hall for lunch. * I want to swim* harry signed. " babe we just did before we came here." I say. * I want to swim again please* I need more water.* he signed. This was going to be a long day. After lunch we went to prefects bathroom and he jumped in the pool. * join me* he signed. " I don't have any swim clothes." I say. He pulls me in the pool and I turned into a merman and swam. We had some fun in the water too. ( use imagination) after we where done swimming again, we got out and dried off fast. * thank you* he signed. We went to another class and we were late.

Time skip
Harry was in his 6th month of pregnancy and he was ready to give birth at any time. He was still timid around Snape and my father but they are slowly getting back his trust. My father invited us home for break. Harry was unsure about going but I convinced him to go with me. We got off the train and found my father and we apperated to the manor. * I don't feel good* harry signed. " must not be used to apperating". My father said. * no, I'm nauseous and I'm pregnant.* he signed. " come sit down on the couch and I'll have Tina bring you some tea." He said. Tina one of our house elves appeared. " yes master? What can Tina help you with?" She asked. " please bring harry some lemon honey tea." He said. " Right away sir." She said. She poofed away and got him tea. * what should we name our baby when she * is born* harry signed. " I was thinking about jewel or Jemma ". I say. " what about Aqua may?" My father suggested. " Aqua may malfoy?" Harry mumbled.. " he spoke , thats the first time I have heard,him speak in a while." My father said. " this is wonderful, harry how has school been?" My father asked. " Fine, classes are hard. But I have Draco to help me." He mumbled. " We need to teach him how to speak up so we can hear him better." Snape said. * I'm sorry * I am trying but* its hard* I do need a little help* he signed. " I'm sorry son, I wasn't trying to sound harsh, we are willing to help you." He said.  We talked about an hour and then harry felt tired. So we went to my room.  * later that night**

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