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I was just about to leave the hospital wing and I heard a noise which made me stop in my tracks. " moon is that you?" I asked. I ran back into the hospital wing and she was awake. " moon!! You're awake!!! " I say. " Go away! I don't know you!!!!!!!" She yelled. " babe its me Draco." I say. The nurse came back and told me that moon had some memory loss. It will take a while until moon gets her memory back. So I had to help her and she was scared at first. So I waited for a few weeks. Then I came back after class, and I talked to her. " hey sweetheart, how are you doing today?" I asked her. " I'm harry Potter, nice to meet you." She said. " okay then, moon I'm draco malfoy." I say. This really hurt me inside but I had to get my love back. " who's moon?" She asked. " harry, you're actually named moon Star Snape. " I say. My father brings our daughter Aqua to see moon. " momma me miss you lot." She said. " Draco who's this?" She asked. " our daughter Aqua  may malfoy." I say. " momma head no work?" Aqua asked me. " her head has a big booboo and the nurse is trying to heal her ." I say. " me heal it fur her daddy." Aqua said smiling. " baby girl , you are so sweet." I say.  " she's such a sweet girl". The nurse said. " thank you so much, we make sure to raise our baby right." I say. " momma det better please I wove you." Aqua said. " aww sweetheart, momma loves you too." Moon said. " she remembers aqua!!!" I say.

A few weeks later..
Moon was let out the hospital and she wanted to ask me something. " draco I want another baby." Moon said. " me too , I think Aqua would love a sibling." I say.  *** smut warning***

I just stripped and he laid me down and began kissing me on my neck and breast, stomach. I moan. He knew I loved it when he kissed my stomach. " you want me to hump you?" He asked. " yes!!!" I moaned... He went inside my v. And it felt so amazing. Then I begged him to hump my stomach. I cum so hard and he licks me. " I love you!!!" I moan..

Smut over

A few days go by and moon starts feeling sick every morning. We go to the hospital wing to take a test. She's pregnant!!! " I'm so happy!!" She said. The nurse told me that this was very difficult and she will go through changes again. Her second pregnancy could be more painful. We had to be careful.. This time she only had 5 months. She was going to want more sex after . she wanted more kids.  We had potions class and moon was very quiet. " sweetheart what's wrong?" I asked. " babe I'm trying to listen to our teacher, I don't want to get detention." She mumbled. " I'm sorry." I say. Slughorn was walking around and collecting our papers. " I'm going to be sick!" Moon yells. She gets up and then she pukes all over the floor. " MR. POTTER , GO TO THE HOSPITAL WING IMMEDIATELY!!!!"  He yelled. " don't yell at HER!!" I yelled. " Mr. Malfoy, harry potter is a boy not a girl!! Now Mr. Potter please head to the hospital wing." He said angrily. We leave and head to the hospital wing.  Snape had walked in the room and didn't look very happy. " what is going on?" He asked.  " we don't know sir we where in class and then she threw up." I said. Madam pomfrey came into the room and did some test on her. " I'm scared Draco, I don't trust sluggish". Moon said. " who's sluggish?" Snape asked. " I think she was referring to professor slughorn." I say. " he said I'm not a girl, I'm harry potter still and I need to see a doctor." She cried. " babe don't listen to people like that, they don't understand you. They are cold hearted and cruel. But you are kind, Sweet and loving." I say as I hug her. Professor slughorn walks in the hospital wing and starts talking to the nurse. " WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE YOU EVIL MAN!!!" she yelled. " you keep him under control or I'll give him detention!" Slughorn yelled.  I lost my temper and I had to defend her. " FIRST OFF SIR , HARRY IS TRANSGENDER AND YOU ARE A HATEFUL PERSON, I LOVE MOON WITH ALL MY HEART AND ILL BE DAMNED IF YOU DISRESPECT HER LIKE THAT ESPECIALLY WITH HER FATHER SEVERUS STANDING RIGHT HERE!!! " I yelled.. " draco please calm down." Snape said. " CALM DOWN?? HOW CAN I FUCKING CALM DOWN WHEN THIS IDIOT IS DISRESPECTING A PRINCESS!!!!!"  I yelled. " horace, I suggest you leave now, I don't want my daughter around you or in your class anymore." He said in a stern voice. " sir, I was just .. " my Godfather interrupted him. " YOU WHERE WHAT? DISRESPECTFUL TOWARDS MY DAUGHTER, I SHOULD HAVE YOU FIRED FOR THIS!! WHAT YOU ARE DOING IS DESTROYING HER MENTAL HEALTH AND SELF ESTEEM!! YOU NEED TO LEARN WHAT RESPECT IS!!!"  He yelled. The nurse escorted him out and moon was in tears. " come here my sweet, its alright. I'm here , I won't let anyone hurt you." He said as he hugged her. " what's the results?" I asked. " she's pregnant." The nurse said. We hugged her and she felt better. 

Time skip

Moon is my love and my heart. I want to plan our wedding soon and be married. She was asleep next to me in our bed and I felt so lucky to have her and our baby.  I messed with her hair and kissed her forehead. " good morning my love." I say as she woke up. " Good morning my cuddle bug." She said. Aqua comes in our room and jumps on our bed. " momma, daddy I gonna have a brover or sissy?" She asked. " yes lady bug you're going to be a big sister." I say. " babe I am ready for breakfast." Moon said. We head to the great hall and sit down. Aqua wanted to come with us and wait for hagrid to come get her.  We head to class and moon wanted to swim.

So we went for a swim in the lake and then we headed off to our next class. We had potions and of course it was with slughorn. " hello class so today we are going to study for the NEWTs test." He said as he handed out a parchment for every one. " sir, I don't know how to read English." Moon said. " how do you not know how to Read?" He asked. " I never learn to read since I was with muggles and I never learned." She said. " how would you pass each class?" He asked. " I would have help." She said. " Mr. Weaseley can you show moon how to read?" He asked. " uh sir, draco is right by her, ask him." He said. " I told you to do it, Mr. Potter will not get any special treatment with me." He said. " sir I am not wanting special uh... How you say treatment or something like that." She said. " it seems like you are demanding me to give you special treatment, I'm sorry Mr. Potter but you are on your own." He said.  I tried to read the study guide. After class I went to the bathroom and cried. " moon what's wrong?" Draco asked. " I want to learn to read English." I say. " I thought you could read." He said. " before my inheritance I struggled with reading because of the relative I stay with. Now my English not great and I can't read it." I explained. " I will help you learn." He said. 

Its been a few months and I was showing my bump . draco was very protective of me. We where in class and my water broke. It was time to give birth..

To be continued...

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