finding moon. prt 2..

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I went to the lake and sat down.
I sang her song.. A few hours go by and nothing happens..  " please moon come back. I miss you." I say. Then I hear the most beautiful voice..
Come seek me in the water....
I'm always here with you in spirit.
I shall love you forever.
I'm always near when you need me...
Fear not love for I am here.

" moon?" I say as I look in the water..
" Draco, my love, its me moon. I'm a mermaid and I'm healed now by your love." She said. " I love you so much my beautiful princess." I say. " I love you too my dragon." She said as we kissed. Then she grabbed me and I go into the water..
We swam off with our babies and she showed me our castle. * beautiful* I signed. * its home love* she signed..  * I am so happy that I'm with you my love* she signed. We swam into our room and made love. Then we went to sleep.

I woke up the next morning and I was on land. Moon was not with me at all. Did I dream about everything? I made my way back to Hogwarts and I met up with Snape. " sir I was on the lake last night and it felt so real , moon was with me and we were in the water and we were happy." I said. He smiled. " Draco, moon is always with you in here." He said pointing to my heart. " wait, I was dreaming everything?" I asked. " yes, moon never existed." He said. " what!!! No I fell in love with harry potter and i found out he was a mermaid and his name is moon." I protest. " Draco, harry potter died a year ago." He said. **noooo*************

I woke up in the hospital wing. Moon was with me. " oh my love you're awake!" She said. The nurse came over to check on me. " what happened?" I asked. " you where found by the lake passed out and my father brought you here." Moon said. " harry? Are you really here?" I asked. " yes my love, its me Moon star Snape- malfoy". She said. Snape walked in the room and smiled. " sir I had a horrible dream." I said. " what about?" Snape asked. I explained it to them and they both hugged me. " Draco, the lake part wasn't a dream, me dying was a bad a dream." Moon said. " so we really swam in the lake and made love inside our castle in your kingdom?" I asked. " yes my love and I'm pregnant." She said. " then how did I end up here?" I asked. " we had to resurface, I needed to tell father I was pregnant and you passed out from the dry air." She said. " that made sense, I'm just glad you are with me. I love you so much." I say. " I love you too." She said as we kissed..

We left Hogwarts and a few months later we have birth to a baby boy Drake Lucius malfoy Jr. ( Draco) 

The end!!!!!!!!

Get 100 votes and I'll do a sequel

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