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An** harry has developed a new power and he's now being sent to court for attacking um bridge. Also sorry about not uploading. I have been busy.
I was sent a summon to court and I had to fight it. Um bridge was trying to sue me for what I did. The bad human deserve it. I waited with my father and my love until we where called to the court room. " mr. Potter you are being charged with attacking a teacher." Fudge said . " sir, I didn't attack her, I defense!!!" I say. " he was defending himself because she was trying to hurt him." Snape said. " I object!!!" The toad yells. " Mr. Potter, do you realize the serious issue at hand here? You could be sent to azcabon with this charge." Fudge said. " no I do not understand. I didn't attack her!! She tried to hurt me just because I was feeling sick in class." I yelled. " he's telling the truth, um bridge was watching my class and harry was feeling sick. He asked me if he can see me after my lessons. Then um bridge yelled at him and told him if he didn't shut up she would give him detention and make him clean the kitchen and her office." He said. " I object! This is a lie." She yelled. " no its not a lie, he said he felt sick again and then she yelled at him and threatened to send him to the hospital wing in a box if he didn't shut up. He got up and asked me to leave the room because he felt threatened by her, then she pulled out her wand and pointed it at harry. Then he developed this power and defended himself." Snape explained. " is there any proof or witnesses?" Fudge asked. " yes sir, I have a document that explains everything and a few students are here to testify." He said. After a long good hour, and many statements later, fudge reached his decision. " in the case of harry potter and doleres um bridge case for abuse and termination, I find doleres um bridge guilty of all charges." He said. Everyone cheered and I was happy this was over. .

A month later****

Harry went to the hospital wing to get a check up on our baby. He was 4 months now and we were about to find out what we are having. The nurse walks up to us and gives me a paper. " we are having a girl.!" I say proudly. * I'm * so* happy* harry signed. We went to snapes office and my father was there and harry didn't feel comfortable. * can * we come back later?* he signed. " harry, Draco please come in and sit!" Severus said. * no thank you I'm fine* harry signed. " nonsense son, come in and sit." He said. " sir, he feels a little weird about my father being here." I explained. " dragon please come here, I need to talk about this." My father said. We walked in the office and sat down. Harry was feeling sick and wanted to leave. " harry I know we haven't had the greatest past but I'm willing to move on." My father said. * why are you here?* he signed. " I'm here because I have something to tell your father." He said. * dad* I want to find* mum* harry signed. " his mother, lily is still alive?" My father asked. " yes, but she's in hiding." Snape said. " Severus, I have been keeping this a secret for to long and I need to tell you." He said. " father whats going on?" I asked. "  narcissa passed away a month ago and I know where lily is hiding. Also I was told by cissa I could tell you how I feel." He said. " wait!! Mum is gone?" I asked. " I'm sorry son." He said. * you're going to tell my dad you are in love with him aren't you* harry signed. " harry, I'm pregnant with your sister." He said. * dad!! You are dating Him* I thought you loved mum* I don't believe this!!!* also we are having a girl as well.* but I guess the word love is just a word* to you.* I lived with abuse all my* life and now* this happens* I'm done* harry signed. He got up and left. " was that his way of yelling?" Snape asked. " YES SIR IT WAS. IM GOING TO GO FIND HIM. HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO HIM!!! YOURE STILL MARRIED TO LILY Snape!!! YOU GOT MY FATHER PREGNANT and PLUS HE KNOWS WHERE LILY IS HIDING. TELL ME!!!!" I yelled. " draco we rather- " Snape said. "No YOU TELL ME NOW OR IM GOING TO THE MINISTRY!!!!!"  I yelled. " she's at malfoy manor". My father said. I walked out. I had to go find harry and tell him. I found him in the bathroom and I held him close. " babe I know where your mum is hiding." I say. " where do you think she is?" He asked. " my manor". I responded. I explained to him how I got the info. So he asked if we could go to the manor and find her.

We arrived at the manor and harry was eager to find her. We walked in the door and she was sitting in a chair. " madame lilith!!!" I say. " u found out the truth." She said. * what does she mean* harry signed. " she's saying that she is your mother." I respond. * what's your name* he signed. " lilith Anna Evans Snape". She said. " so why are you here?" I asked. " I was told to come here because I wanted to meet you." She said. A few hours later my father and Severus walked in the living room. " father care to tell her about your relationship with Severus?" I asked. " what is he talking about?" Severus asked. " my father has feelings for you, but since we found harrys mother , we need to know the truth." I say. " lucius, is what he saying true?" He asked. " I ... I'm sorry Severus. I didn't mean for any of this ever to happen." He said. " Severus do you have feelings for this man!?" Lily asked. * enough!!!* father* do you love him or mum?* harry signed. " I love you... So much and you are my life and my light. I have loved you since the day we met and I always will." He said. " who are you saying that too?" My father asked. " it was said to who ever needed to hear it the most." He said. My father felt ashamed and clutched his chest. " father are you alright?" I asked. He fell over and I was not able to breathe. Severus ran up to him and held him close to his heart. He started crying and I realized that he was in love with my father. " I'm sorry harry, this must be weird and I don't blame you if you are mad." I say. * he used * to love my mum * but I don't know anymore* I want to leave now* harry signed. We left and my father was taken to the hospital. Harry went into a depression.. I didn't know what to do.

A month later
My father was let out of the hospital and Severus spend time with him until he got better. Harry was still depressed and I had to do something..

The next chapter will be up soon.

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