Chapter 19

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Beatrix blinked at her a few times before whispering back.

"I'm Beatrix..."

"Well Beatrix, I know this is a scary situation, but if you follow my lead you will be fine" Adelaide whispered.

She peered up and saw the burglars rounding up all the customers into a corner of the store. Her a Beatrix seemed to be the only ones not in the crowd in the corner. Adelaide quickly and quietly dragged Beatrix into the circular clothing rack near by.

Beatrix was so anxious, she couldn't move her body properly. She tripped on one of the bars supporting the rack, making a subtle thump.

One of the robbers looked behind them searching for the cause of the sound.

Adelaide quickly snatched herself into the middle of the rack where she stay hidden while Beatrix was still trying to gather herself on the floor. Tears started to pool in her eyes.

The robbers accomplice tapped his shoulder, "Dude, we don't have the fucking time for you to be running around here playing Sherlock. Grab the shit and go!"

He quickly turned his attention away from the commotion Beatrix had caused and did as he was told.

Beatrix let out a quiet sigh of relief and went to join Adelaide inside the clothes rack.

Adelaide was irritated. How can someone be so damn incompetent? She rolled her eyes before going to whisper to Beatrix. "What we have to do is sneak to those 3 different racks quickly and quietly. Do you think you can manage that?" She said the last part condescendingly, though Beatrix was to scared to even care.

Beatrix nodded before letting Adelaide lead the way. Adelaide moved through the store seamlessly, almost like a cat. Beatrix did her best to not fumble around. Did she do it well? No, but she did just enough so that the burglars wouldn't be set off again. Adelaide praised god for these robbers being more incompetent and than Beatrix. They were to busy stuffing whatever they saw into their bags, they didn't even take the time to decipher what was actually valuable

Once they got to the last rack and were ready to make a run for the door, Adelaide paused. She was actually grateful for this situation since she was be able to make a "friend" out of this. A friend that could help her quickly escape from Adonis instead of having to seduce him and manipulate him over time. Beatrix didn't even have to know if she played her cards right. She couldn't go all the way back to France of course, but she could get to her cousins living a few states over.

"Where did you park?" Adelaide asked.

"Just right there, the grey sedan" Beatrix pointed to a car parked in front of the store.

"We'll use your car to escape then since it's closer... Are you ready?"

Beatrix didn't feel ready, she didn't completely trust Adelaide either but she knew she had to do it to get out of here. Beatrix quickly nodded. Adelaide grabbed her hand and counted to three on her fingers for Beatrix to see so they could be coordinated.

Adelaide dashed through the door to the car. Beatrix was behind her struggling to keep up. The scene looked like an eager child bringing their parent to see something they thought was exciting.

They were moving so fast Beatrix forgot to get her key fob out to unlock the door

"Go get them!" one of the 4 robbers shouted. The biggest and most muscular of them was already on their way to capturing the two women.

"Why does it matter, we just gotta get the stuff and go. We're wasting our time going after them" one of the robbers stated.

"So we have more time to grab more shit asshole"

"Shut up, you say that like you don't eat mine almost every fucking day" he scoffed.

All the customers that were held hostage eyes popped out of their head. The manager found to keep herself from laughing.

Meanwhile at the car, Adelaide sunk down to her knees while leaning on the car. Beatrix was still digging through her purse looking for her keys. Adelaide wiped her hand down her face immensely regretting this.

While waiting for Beatrix to find her key, she heard rhythmic thumps on the ground that seemed to gradually become louder. She turned her head to see a big burly man sprint at them like he shout shouting for Flint Lockwood.

Adelaide went to jiggle the passenger door. "You need to open the door now!" Beatrix turned around to see what had frightened Adelaide. She started to panic even more and went back to search for her keys haphazardly.

While jiggling the door Adelaide noticed the button on the door. "Just press the button!"

"What button?!" Beatrix questioned.

"The one on the fucking door!"

Beatrix followed her instructions and to her amazement it unlocked. They quickly hopped into the car. Adelaide quickly locked the doors just before  Brock Lesnar looking dude slammed on the car doors and windows.


Beatrix put the car in gear and hit reverse, running over Brock's foot. Adelaide turned around to watch him anguish in his pain as Beatrix floored it out of the parking lot.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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