Chapter 7

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Adonis walked into a lux night club. Even during the day, the club was still filled with drunk, high heedless people dancing like there was no tomorrow. He had to fight his way to the other side of the club. Before he got there some woman with red hair and purple lipstick pulled him away. She was a tiny go go dancer on 8 inch platforms. She twisted and twirled trying to grind on him. Her attempt at being sexy was quite frankly depressing, but what can you expect from someone pumped up on party drugs. As disturbing as it is for most, it was enough for Adonis. He grinded on her back then quickly slipped a business card between her breast. She grinned like a clown with her overdone lip fillers before going to dance with some other drugged out person.

Adonis was able to sneak off into the back without anyone noticing. There was a hallway with doors. He walked through the door that said private and used a key card to enter. He then took an elevator that used a special key code. There was a small dark office revealed by the elevator doors. He walked into the conference room where there were other mafia bosses sitting an waiting.

"Are we a joke to you Adonis?" Don Morain questioned at the head of the desk. All the other bosses around him looked at their materials and started fiddling with them.

"No, sir" he shyly replied.

"Then don't be late again. Take a seat boy" he gritted. Don Morain was don of the Ukrainian mafia back in the day, he murdered his way to the top. He was so powerful he started taking over the mafia in the smaller countries around him such as Lithuania, Latvia, Belarus, Moldova and others. The leader of the Italian mafia at the time, Karmelo, took notice. His options were to starts a mafia war or join then. Although the Italian mafia was all mighty and powerful at the time, he still feared Yaroslav Morain's prowess and power. So he made risky decision to meet with Morain and become business partners. After a while they had most of the european mafia under their reign. They then decided to be "good criminals". That basically just meant no hurting women and children and trying to only fuck up people who were already involved. Karmelo died in the early 2000s and Morain is currently dying of cancer. He's trying to figure some sort of arrangement for when he dies, but he's losing time at an exponential rate. Somehow Adonis was able to do something he shouldn't right under Morain's nose. He was human trafficking which was a very very big no no. If anyone in that room were to find out he would be tortured to death.

"Congrats on the wedding" Ares, don of the Russian mafia, said. Adonis grunted and waved him off. Adonis had disdain for his half-brother Ares. No one ever know why, Ares tried to be kind and get to know his brother, But Adonis just wasn't having it. Everyone gave Adonis stink eye except for Spain and Austria, his only buddies in the room.

"As you all know I'm dying-" the man started a coughing fit. His shaky hand went for his water bottle and he took a few large gulps. "I've decided to choose 2 or 3 of you to take up my position instead of making a new bullshit system that'll fall apart in a day."

Everyone looked at the man with astonishment. Adonis let an evil shit eating grin creep onto his face. Stephan, the don of Austrian mafia, nudged him to knock it off before they get caught.

"I've already chosen one person. I think it's obvious I would choose Ares considering how he's already been taking taking of my responsibilities." Everyone else was slightly disappointment while the trio grunted. "I asked for aid, and you all acted like you were too good for the role. Ares was the only one that stepped up. Stop whining like children. Go carry on with your business while I select the other 2 and draw up contracts."


It was 3 am when Adonis came back. He stripped into his underwear and left his clothes in the foyer. He ran up the stairs into the bedroom and found Adelaide sprawled across the bed wearing lingerie. He picked her up and laid her in the same position except across his body. He fell fast asleep with his hands groping her bottom. Adelaide woke up from the pressure only to be disgusted. He smelled like alcohol and weed. She threw her hands off of him to get up and leave. Before getting up she notice purple smeared on his neck and wrist. She wiped it with her finger to realize it was lipstick. Adelaide was a bit hurt he could barely wait a day to cheat on her. She took her phone and stuffed her charger into her pocket. She decided to get water first. Her foot got caught up in something cold. Something so cold it almost felt wet. Looking down Adelaide noticed it was his clothes. Why the hell are his clothes down here? She shook her foot to shake the clothes off, but something fell out. Upon closer observation she became more disgusted to find it was a used tied up condom. Irritated, she grunted and went into the kitchen to grab a water bottle.

After taking gulps of freezing cold water, her drowsiness disappeared. She was bored and had nothing to do. She figured she'd find another room and set up camp there. While room hunting she found Adonis's office. Surprisingly enough it was unlocked. Time to snoop she thought to herself and didn't feel bad about it because of his infidelity. Her first step was to look through his drawers. She found there to be quite a bit of information on some man named Ares. Too much information, as if he were a target. Adelaide being nosy as she is decided to take some pictures. She even snatched a business card from the crumpled up stack he had and put it under her phone case. Before she could she back she heard feet shuffling towards her. shit.

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