Chapter 9

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Ares stared at her taking in all of her features, every curve that defined her person. He was immediately attracted to her. What really got him was when she peered up at him with big glossy brown eyes. Ares cocked his head to the side while smirking. Adelaide became confused and a bit scared. She started to back away. He quickly noticed and scrambled to get words out of his mouth.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to creep you out. I just think you're extremely beautiful" he stuttered. Adelaide smiled at his nervousness, but was still a cautious and kept her distance. He had an accent she couldn't quite place, but she liked it.

"Wowww. An anxious man in the mafia. Are you sure you chose the right profession?" Ares chuckled.

"Please forgive me, I'm usually not like this. I'm Ares" he replied sticking hand out for her to shake. Adelaide loosened her guard and stepped up to shake his hand. So this was the man Adonis wanted dead?

"Well hello Ares, I'm Adelaide." Once he heard her name his smile faltered.

"Well please excuse me, Adelaide. I must get going, I have business to attend to. It was nice meeting you." He said just before walking into the elevator. Adelaide was curious to know why the man was avoiding her like a disease, so she followed him into the elevator. She was leaving anyways since Adonis decided he didn't need to see her anymore. Ares arched a brow.

"You just got off the elevator, now you're getting back in? I would assume you had something to do on this fl-"

"Did you run away from me because I'm supposed to be married to Adonis?" Ares's eyes grew wide.


"Did you run off because I'm supposed to be your bosses wife?" she said slower, as if he couldn't hear.

"Adonis is not my boss" he said amused. "I'm his brother."

She blinked a few times. "He has siblings...?"

"Just the one."

"Why have I never heard of you? Why weren't you a-" She stopped talking when she heard him let out an exasperated sigh through his nose. Just as he opened his mouth to speak the elevator dinged. It had stopped at the 5th floor to let someone in. Adelaide quickly shooed them out and Ares became amused once again. When the elevator started back up again she went to press the emergency stop button. "Could you explain?"

"Listen, I don't think it's my place to tell you. He'll probably tell you when he's ready or when he feels it's necessary" he reassured her.

"You guys don't talk at all huh?" she asked. She realized it was dumb question. It just then clicked in her head the Adonis wanted his own brother dead. Ares crossed his arms and pursed his lips in response. The muscles that buldged from his arms attracted Adelaide's eye. Her eyes wandered to his face. Now that she knew they were brothers she saw some resemblance. The same black wavy hair and sculpted jawline, but that's where it ended. Ares had dark grey eyes, high check bones, a large yet perfectly shaped nose. He was a bit more pale than Adonis, his skin was more cool. She even noticed he was a taller as well. Adonis was already giant, she was guessing around 6'3 and Ares was probably 6'5. Ares walked closer to her keeping his eyes tied to hers.

"Excuse me, Adelaide... are you checking me out?"


Adonis was in his office angrily skimming and signing papers. He always became an angry asshole when he had to see his brother. He despised him as if he were the spawn of Satan. When he started to calm down, he realized it had been a while since he asked his assistant to get hi m coffee. She should've been back by now. He scoffed to himself when he realized she was probably messing around with her security guard boyfriend won the first floor. He stomped to the elevators mashing the button. Jackson was near by and noticed.

"The left elevator hasn't been working for some time. You gotta wait for a while for the one on the right or take the stairs" he warned before patting his shoulder. Adonis groaned. He decided to wait. He didn't want to run down several flights of stairs in church shoes. He was eventually able to get down to the first floor and find his assistant in the security guard's room.

"Lana, the hell do you think you're doing."

She was leaned up against her boo giggling, watching the security camera while. She rolled her eyes in disdain for her boss"

"Where's my coffee?" he gritted through his teeth. She sucked her teeth, then grin took over her lips.

"Come get it. It's right here on the table."

Adonis stomped over to her to grab it. He took a long, thoughtful sip. He felt a bit more calm afterwards, but he was still aggravated. When he took the cup away from the mouth he looked at the computer screen.

"Is that in the elevator?"

"Mmhmm" the security guard grunted.

Upon closer inspection, Adonis recognized the 2 people in the elevator. He saw step up to Adelaide to tower over her. It seemed that they were flirting. Adonis felt his anger boil. This only made the resentment he felt towards Ares worse. He wanted to rip his brother to shreds. He had the nerve to steal their mother, his promotion, and now his wife? No no no no. Adonis just couldn't let that happen. If that meant he actually had to act like he wanted her or spend a fortune then so be it. He just couldn't let Ares take everything from him.


"I um..." she paused to clear her throat. "I don't know what you're talking about" Adelaide mumbled. Ares raised his eyebrows.

"I thought you were married?" he asked jokingly.

Adelaide sighed in disgust. "No" she replied a little too quickly. "Your dumb ass brother was intoxicated, as usual, and forgot to get the papers. So we only had the ceremony."

"I'm assuming it was another arranged mafia marriage? Sounds like there's quite a bit of hatred there. I guess I should be happy I'm only a half brother."

"Yeah you need to explain that."

"Long story short, our mother left his dad for mine after he became ruthless and controlling. Our mother is Greek, his father is Greek as well while my dad is Russian. I guess Adonis has always had resentment towards me because he thinks she chose me over him. The reality is it was too risky for her to take him. She had to leave him, she wasn't too worried because she knew his fathered cared for him well and that's it."

"Huh." she said as if she were having an epiphany. Adonis was really just a brat with unresolved abandonment issues. "Well anyways we've been in here almost an hour, I should probably get going and you need to do whatever you do as the brother of a don."

"Damn, that's all I am to you?"

"I don't know what you do. That's basically all I know about you" she said just before hitting the button for the elevator to start back up again.

"Well if you must know, I'm a don as well. Of the Russian mafia."

"Mmm. Makes sense."

The elevator dinged again and this time they were on the first floor. They made small talk as they walked out of the building.

"Well I guess it's time to say good bye, sister-in-law."

Adelaide rolled her eyes. Ares ruffled her hair. Ares raised her eyebrows at him and he chuckled. She fixed her hair annoyed. He was lucky she liked him, other wise he would've had his head ripped off.

"Do you need a ride?" he asked.

"No she doesn't." The voice came from behind her. The man you said it wrapped his hand around her waist to press her back against him. Adelaide visibly stiffened. Ares noticed. "Isn't that right, love?" Adonis said before kissing her cheek.

Adelaide made a grotesque face making Ares smile.

"Well then I'll leave you to it" he said before giving Adelaide a quick wink without Adonis seeing.

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