Chapter 2

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Adonis sat in the back of the car with his his fingers rubbing his temples. His driver was currently speeding to the Leroux residence. Adonis was angered at the fact that there was something going wrong. Were they betraying us? We're they going to start another war? Adonis needed this alliance, if it went through then they would be able to compete with the Italian and Russian mafia. With the Leroux's resources he would be able to become even more powerful than both of them.

One more swerve and Adonis was in front of their mansion. He stepped out and sped walked to the front door where he was greeted by their body guards. They gave him a nod and let him in know that he was supposed to be attending the meeting today. One of the body guards led him to the conference room. As soon as he stepped foot inside all eyes were on him.

"Glad you could make it" Adelaide said with her arms crossed glaring at him.

And that's when he saw her. His young, beautiful soon to be wife. Big doe eyes, a small button nose, and plump full pink- brown lips. Skin dark and smooth like... lacewood. She had high cheekbones that suited her face. He already started to fall in love with the heavy amount of freckles on her face. Her brows, still thick, are tweezed to perfection and long curly hair that went to her chest. He then noticed her hair turned orange at the bottom. It threw him off. He didn't like it, but he would change it after he married her. "Damn" he thought to himself. He began to swoon, but soon shook himself out of it.

Adonis glared at her back. "Whats the issue?" He demanded.

His men sitting at the table scooted away in their chairs noticing how angry their boss was becoming. Michel scowled at Adonis for being so demanding and disrespectful.

And that's when Adelaide looked up at him. She immediately fell in love his accent. She saw the his sharp, sculpted features. His jawline was so sharp it could cut a bitch. His green eyes suited his tan, olive skin. His eyes were green like emerald. His black waves resembled a body of water. No pun intended, but he looked like a Greek god.

"The issue is I'm not giving you no damn kids" Adelaide replies with her arms still crossed.

This is the confidence Adonis had issue with. He just wanted a woman who would go along and obey every word that flew from his mouth, a kiss ass.

This alliance involved a contract. Within the contract there was all the business mumbo jumbo then there were all the marriage requirements. In the marriage requirements it stated that Adelaide must give him an heir within their first year of marriage, not only that but that she mustn't cheat on him while he's allowed to fuck any girl he wants.


"I'm not about to give some sleazy man I don't know my kid"

"As you said, you don't even know me and you're already calling me sleazy"

"Let me read for you 'section 14. Once Adelaide Leroux and Adonis Nikolao marry, Adelaide must take his name and be a faithful wife. Any affairs on her part may result in a consequence or the alliance being dissolved.... However Adonis may do as he pleases to fulfill his needs...' I think that says enough about you."

Adonis clenched his jaw. All he wanted was an heir and to be able to fuck around. Without a heir, the mafia would go to whichever of his second hand men were deceitful and conniving enough to take it or it would collapse. Besides Adonis had always secretly wanted to be a father, he would never admit it though. As for the part about being "satisfied", Adonis felt that he should be able to do what he needed. He has needs that need to be filled, being with the same girl every night would be way too boring. He didn't need his wife cheating on him because it would be utterly disrespectful and embarrassing. In addition, if she were to also have affairs, he may not know who the father was. He couldn't have his wife running around having other men's children.

"It's either we're both faithful, or we both get to go around messing with other people. Your choice" Adelaide stated.

"May we speak in private. Please" Adonis asked Adelaide's trying to be as kind as possible.

Her father let a huff of air through his nose and his mother side eyed him as the got up. Adonis's men followed suit. As soon as they left, Adonis walked over to Adelaide. She turned to face him. She looked up at him with her big brown eyes through her long lashes. This girl was already getting to him yet he barely knew her.

"Stand up, darling" he demanded.

Adelaide slowly stood up. Once she did, she felt his dominance emanate off of him. He was a whole foot taller than her. She had to look up to look at him.

Adonis's eyebrows rose for a second then quickly fell back into place. He was shocked by her curves. He started to admit to himself that he was attracted to her. He decided to close between them. Adelaide's breathing faltered. He held her chin between his thumb and index finger. Her face started to heat up.

"How about we figure that part out as we go? Hmm?" he suggested.

"The... the baby thing too?"


"Oh-oh... okay"

Adelaide didn't know what was happening to her. She all of a sudden started submitting herself to some man she didn't even know. Some man who was probably a sexist pig. He just made her so nervous that it put her into submission. "I need to snap out of it. Now." She thought to herself. The thing is, Adonis didn't know what he was doing either. Her beauty really affected him.

Adonis closed the space between them and let his hands slide down to her waist.

"Until next time, dear" he whispered into her ear.

He gave her a light squeeze on her waist then walked out.

Adelaide felt conflicted after the school encounter. She was so physically attracted to him, but put off by his personality. Did he not just assault her? She would be more open to the agreement if he weren't such an arrogant entitled bastard. He seemed to be a perv as well. She was mad she let him do that to her all because of physical attraction. That's when she made a promise to herself to not let him break her. She didn't want to fall victim to a manipulative predator.

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