Chibi 13

24 1 1

Skit 1: "The cookie fight"

It shows Ramirez, Razor and Sarah sitting in the meeting room where David is showing the tactics of what the three need to use for Roman and other bad guys. As the three were getting bored at David briefing.

David: "That the reason we are trained for. Now let see what the different routes you guys should've taken."

  Before he could continue talking the meeting door opened showing Nick behind Ruby as she was holding a box. Walking in the room with the Knights looking at her Ruby then smiles at the four as Razor stands up from his seat and walked up towards Ruby pointing at the box.

Razor: "What in the box Riding hood."

Ruby: "Oh um my mom made cookie...For you guys."

Razor then began start eating the cookies one at a times as Ruby nervously smiled at Razor thing. As Razor soon still eating the cookies he have in his mouth he looked at Ruby and motion his hand up.

Razor: "Keep them coming Ruby..."

Ruby: "Um okay?"

Ramirez: "Let me have one."

As Ramirez went to grabbed the cookie out Razor hand and as he tries to eat it Sarah shouted out before taking the cookie away from her twin brother hands.

Sarah: "I call dibs on that cookie!"

Ramirez: "Give me that cookie back sis-"

Razor: "Back off Mr. Pickles!"

Razor then shoves Ramirez out of the way as Razor tries to take the cookie off of Sarah has but can't as she was moving away from Razor range away as this made Razor mad trying to take the cookie away from her. Seeing Razor getting mad Ramirez then ran up to Razor got on his back having him in a headlock.

Ramirez: "That cookies is mine you overweight garbage despoiled"

David then sighed in angry as he put on his helmet as he watch this event unfold more. Seeing this Ruby then laugh at the Knights silliness as Nick was escorting Ruby out of the room.

Nick: "Let's find your boyfriend shall we?"

Ruby: "Aw I wanted to see! What happened next!"

Nick: "You won't like this...."

David: "Knights!" *Clutching his shield*

Scene changed as it shows David standing under the American Flag as he salute it.

Skit 2: David shield.

It shows David standing in the middle of the room holding his shield as it shows Zemo there looking at David confusion.

Zemo: "Captain what are you doing?"

David: "Nothing...."

Zemo then walks in front of David seeing him holding his shield up close to his face as this shock Zemo of what David is doing.

Zemo: "David what are you doing."

David: "I'm trying to eat my shield Zemo!"

Zemo: "Captain America stop! It's impossible for you to eat your shield!"

David: "If I don't Zemo I'll die!"

Zemo: "Captain NO!!!

Scene Change as Knight Nick was using a a cardboard box as he was sneaking away.

Skit 3: "The Knights Weapons."

It shows the students and Professor Port overlooking the Knights weapons as Port are teaching them a lesson how a Huntsmen or Knight should prepare their weapon as it shows David cleaning his shield starts making it looks good.

Port: "Good work Captain!"

David then smiled as he continued working on the shield the class then move on to Nick as he was upgrading his new suit having his welder helmet on he began welding his armor until he stop turning around to the class.

Port: "I like your style Nick."

Nick give him a thumbs as he put back his welder helmet on as he continue what he doing as the class moves on they then walk to the Twins as Ramirez was making New trick bullets as Sarah was checking her wristbands.

Port: "Very professional Sarah and Ramirez"

The two smiled as they continue what they are doing as they walked to Razor side it shows him chewing gum as it have his machine gun sitting right in front of him. As he was being on his phone.

Port: "Razor why aren't you tuning up your weapon."

Razor: "I just did look."

As Razor point to the side everyone eye's widen in shock as they see a huge hole in the wall of the room there as Razor starts to smile while he still look at his scroll.

 Bonus Skit: Father and Daughters bonding 

It shows Ruby there in the court yard of the school humming as she then hears David walking behind her as he was holding two tickets of the movies.

David: "Hey Ruby want to see that new monster movie I could use a hand sneaking candy into the theater."

Hearing this Ruby scream in happyness as she shouted.

Ruby: "Ah! I'll go get my cargo pants."

Ruby then runs off as David slows her behind of his daughter seeing the Captain and the rose leave it show's  Yang leading on the wall enjoy the fresh air as it show Nick landing in his Iron man suit in front of her as his face plate revealed his face.

Nick: "Hey Yang. how about a little sparring between me, you and Tai" 

Yang: "I was about to ask you the same thing. You just beat me to the punch!"

The two then hit their fist together as Yang grabbed Nick and throw between Tai as Nick was laughing of this.

Nick: "That my girl!"

It then shows Blake sitting on the bench reading her book as it shows Razor walking towards her holding his library card.

Razor: "Hey want to go to the library I heard they got the new issue out of my favorite book."

Blake: "Okay"

As the two leaves it then shows Weiss there seeing the Knight's hanging out with their father as Weiss was excited to wait to hang out with her father as she wait and wait for her family. Seeing no one coming Weiss then look down sad until.

Sarah/Winter: "Weiss!"

Weiss: "Aunt Sarah and Winter!"

Sarah: "Good to see you kid."

Weiss: "Oh Aunt and Sister how I-"

Winter: "What have I told you about sighing in public."

Weiss: "I-"

Winter: "And make eye contact when someone is speaking to you!"

Weiss: "Sorry!"

Winter: "And stop apologizing!"

Weiss: "Of course."

Sarah: Now Winter that ain't how you treat your sister. How will your father will react with that attuited."

 Weiss: "Speaking of father where is he?"

Ramirez: *Screaming*

It shows Ramirez crashing down on the floor as his sniper fall beside him as his parachute land on top of him.

Ramirez: "Hey my two Ice Princess.........Can you guys take me to the hospital."

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