𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧

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LATER THAT NIGHT SAGE AND THE boys were standing inside of her house, waiting for will to arrive so they can all trick-or-treat together. sage was in her costume. she was dressed up as a angel since the party didn't mind her not going as janine.

soon enough, the byers boy arrived and the four teens went outside with their candy bags.

"will! hey!" dustin smiled.

the car horn honks making sage smile as she fixes her angel wings.

"hey, don't cross the streams," dustin warns. "don't cross the stream!"

sage made her way over to the car as soon as it parks, walking over to the side will is sitting. the older byers boy sees her and lowers the window.

"hi, johnathan!" sage says with a smile. "hey, sage, how's everything?" johnathan replied. "it's been good! will? you ready?" the brunette replied then turned to look at will.

the bowl-cut boy nodded and began putting his backpack on. "hey, listen," johnathan cut in.

will stopped and looked at his brother, sage glancing over at johnathan too. "yeah?" will asked. "if i let you go on your own, you promise to stay in the neighborhood?" the older byers asks with a soft smile.

will slowly starts to smile at johnathan, glancing at sage for a split second. "yeah! yeah, yeah, totally." the bowl-cut boy agreed. "and be back at twins by 9:00." johnathan added.

"9:30?" sage piped in, grinning at johnathan.

the older byers boy gave the brunette wheeler girl a look. "9:00." he simply demanded.

sage huffed.

"yeah!" will agreed. "deal?" johnathan asked his younger brother. "yeah, deal." will said. "all right, sage? we have a deal?"

the wheeler girl looked over at the older byers boy and smiled at him. "we have a deal."

sage opened the door for will before johnathan spoke up again. "hey, will. don't let any of your spazzy friends use this, all right?" the brunette girl gasped in offense as johnathan handed will a red camera. "except sage!"

"okay," will said and grabbed the camera. "i hope it doesn't suck," johnathan said, imitating dracula. "that was so bad," sage said and laughed with will as he closed the door.

the two teens began walking to their friend group together as johnathan watched them with a smile.

"will!" lucas shouted. "egon!" dustin smiled. "yeah! you ready for tonight, man?" sage asked with a smile, nudging him.

"obviously!" will replied. "well, come on, let's go!" sage concluded and began walking off.

"TRICK OR TREAT!" THE FIVE TEENS said as the woman opened the door. "oh!" the lady chuckles with a smile, excited. "well, aren't you cute? the little exterminators. oh, and a cute little fairy!" the lady said.

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