𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙩𝙮

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"HEY, UH, HENDERSON?" STEVE SPOKE up, following behind dustin.

"yeah?" dustin asked. "could you maybe, uh, clarify what sort of clues we're supposed to be looking for here?" steve asked him.

"the world is full of obvious things which nobody by any chance ever observes," dustin told steve in a english accent, smiling at him while the older teen stares at him, unamused. "sherlock holmes," the henderson teen tells steve in his regular voice now. after no response, the teen scoffs.

"that's great," steve finally spoke up. "thanks. that's great. really helpful. sherlock . . ." steve's eyes land on a vent near the toilet as him and dustin were in a bathroom.

the harrington teen kneels down, ripping the vent off, and reaches his hand slowly into the small compartment, grabbing a glass jar that was inside along with many more glass jars. steve eyes the jar, flashing his light over it to see what was inside the jar.

steve then finds a black widow on his shoulder and jumps up, accidentally dropping the jar, causing it to shatter, and moves back into a spider web, almost bumping into nancy.

"woah, woah. hey, what's wrong?" nancy asks steve, noticing his panic. "there was a spider," steve replied. "what?"

"it's a black widow," the harrington teen told her then shut the door to the bathroom. "don't go in there," steve informed nancy.

nancy then notices a bunch of webs on the back of steve's head, on his hair.

"oh, oh,"

"what? is there something?"

steve walks over to the nearby mirror to check what nancy was looking at.

"stop. i just . . . i got it. i got it." nancy followed him and began to take out the webs out of his fluffy brown hair. "thank you,"

"if there's a spider, you're never gonna find it till it lays eggs and the babies spill out," robin says as she walks in. "what's wrong with you?" steve asked the buckley teen, hearing her chuckle as she walks past the two. "robin, seriously,"

"she's got problems," steve whispers. "tell me about it," nancy whispers back in reply. "it's cool you two are, like, friends now. maybe after we find vecna, kill him, save the world and stuff, maybe we can all go out or something." steve suggests, looking back at nancy for a moment.

"you know? me, you, robin, jonathan, when he's back," steve continued. "it's not like we're dating. me and robin. not like we're dating. right, she told you? that we're not?"

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