𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙛𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙞𝙭

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EVERYONE WAS SURROUNDED BY THE table, eddie pointing at a textbook that had a printed photo and the words the war zone.

"check this out. the war zone." eddie says, looking over at everyone. "i've been there once. it's huge."

"course you have," sage mumbled as eddie glared at her. "they got everything you need for, uh . . . well, killing things, basically." eddie informed.

"you think fake rambo has enough guns there?" robin asked him. "is that a grenade? i mean, how is any of this legal?"

"well, lucky for us it is, so . . . this — this place is just far enough outside of hawkins." eddie explained. "as long as we steer clear of main roads, we oughta be able to avoid cops and, uh, angry hicks."

"if we're trying to avoid angry hicks, maybe we shouldn't go to some store called the war zone." erica mentioned. "normally, i'd agree, but we need the weapons. so i think it's worth the risk." nancy replied to the young sinclair.

"me too," lucas agreed. "but is it worth the time? it'll take all day to bike there and back." dustin mentioned to everyone.

"who said anything about bikes?" eddie asked.

"what? you got some car we don't know about?" steve questioned the munson adult. "it's not exactly a car, steve." eddie replied as he stood up straight. "it's not exactly mine, but, uh . . . it'll do. hey red —"

"max," sage corrected. "whatever, uh, you got a ski mask or a bandanna, something like that?" eddie asked the mayfield teen.

max stood there with her arms crossed before raising her eyebrows at the idea crossing her mind.

   EDDIE POPS OUT FROM BEHIND THE trailer in a michael myers mask that max wore on halloween in 8th grade.

the munson adult raised his hand and motioned the group to follow him.

sage and max keep each other close as they follow eddie. the group go around a trailer before reaching a couples moving trailer (forgot what it was called lowkey). the munson adult opens the window and hops inside, taking the mask off.

"that was suffocating," he mentions as the rest of the group follow him inside the moving trailer.

sage helps max into the vehicle before getting inside herself. eddie was currently in the front and was hot-wiring the vehicle.

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