𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙨𝙞𝙭

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THE FIVE TEENS RUN OUT OF THE room to chase after the creature, dart.

"oh shit!" dustin shouts and runs out the of the av room, accidentally falling over max. lucas falls over max's leg and groans. "where'd he go?" lucas exclaimed. "what was that?" max asked.

"dart!" sage replied then helped the red-head up off the floor. "what?" max looked at her. "you let him escape!" mike cut in. "why did you attack him?!" dustin asked the wheeler boy.

"come on!" mike ignores dustin and chases after dart, everyone following him besides dustin. "don't hurt him. don't you hurt him!" dustin shouts at the wheeler boy. "dustin, be quiet!" sage shouts at him as she chases after her twin.

minutes pass by, the six teens still trying to find the creature.

"east is clear. no sign of dart." mike speaks into his walkie before heading upstairs. "where'd you go, you little bastard?" the wheeler boy whispers to himself.

just as mike walks past a hallway, a girl with short curly hair walks in after hearing mike's voice. the teen looks both ways before heading the opposite way mike went.

dustin looks around the hallways until seeing mister clark. the henderson boy gives the teacher a salute and the teacher returns it.

"west is clear, too. will? sage?" dustin says into the walkie-talkie. "south is clear. lucas?" will says in reply. "anything?" sage asks.

lucas looks side to side then kicks a door open to a classroom. "excuse me! mister sinclair!" a women gasps in surprise. "s-sorry, i was looking for study hall." lucas immediately apologizes then walks out of the classroom. "bye!"

"nothing here, man."

sage sighs and turns to look at will, "i'll look around more. you'll be okay on your own, right?" the wheeler girl asks her best friend. "yeah, i'll be fine." will nods in reply.

"great," sage smiles before hugging him and walking off.

as sage walks around she looks around the school, in restrooms, lockers, and classrooms. twenty minutes later and sage still doesn't find anything . . . . until she feels an odd sense.

like a connection.

the wheeler girl picks her head up at the sensation, glancing around with her eyes. "dart?" sage asks lowly, slowly walking forward.

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