𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙥𝙩𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙧𝙩𝙮 𝙨𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙣

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"IT WAS HERE," MAX SAYS, FLASHING her light at a empty wall, her friends and girlfriend behind her. "right here,"

"a grandfather clock?" nancy asks and max nods, remembering the chime of the clock and how it looked on the wall. "it was so real. and then suddenly when i got closer, suddenly i just . . . i woke up." max replies.

"it was like she was in a trance or something. exactly what eddie said happened to chrissy." sage said and rubbed max's back, but the red-head turned around, moving sage's hand away making the brunette furrow her eyebrows. "that's not even the bad part," max says.

the teens make their way back to the office so that way the mayfield teen can explain what she meant by that statement.

"fred and chrissy, they both came to ms. kelly for help," max began as robin and nancy looked at the papers. "uh, they both were having headaches, bad headaches that wouldn't go away. and then . . . then the nightmares. trouble sleeping. they'd wake up in a cold sweat. and then they started seeing things. bad things. from their pasts. these visions, they just . . . they kept on getting worse and worse, until eventually . . . everything ended." max continued.

"vecna's curse," robin said, looking up at the red-head. "chrissy's headaches started a week ago. fred's, six days ago." max began to list. "i've been having them for five days,"

sage let out a shaky sigh as she raised a hand to her mouth. the thought of max dying and ending up with broken bones scared her, but she couldn't help the feeling that she knew something bad would happen to max.

so she had to deny it.

"i don't know how long i have. all i know is that, for fred and chrissy, they both died less than 24 hours after their first vision." max continued on, tears threatening to escape her eyes. "and i just saw that goddamn clock, so . . . looks like i'm gonna die tomorrow." max concluded.

sage shook her head and turned to max, cupping her face gently. the mayfield teen looks at sage's dark brown eyes, leaning onto her touch as the wheeler teen wipes the tears away from max's cheeks. sage leans her forehead against the red-heads, sighing out deeply.

"nothing's gonna happen to you. i promise. i promise you, nothing is gonna happen." sage whispers to her girlfriend. max stares at sage, hands on her waist as she nods. "i promise . . . i . . . i —" a distant clang was heard causing the teens to snap their heads in the direction.

"stay here," steve whispers to the teens before grabbing the lamp as a defense weapon.

sage sighed as she watched steve, hands still cupping max's face. the wheeler teen was upset that she couldn't get the three words out of her mouth. it was like they were stuck in her throat and she has never truly felt love for anyone, but when max came in that all changed. she knew what the feeling was. her mother told her all about it but what confused her was that her mom and dad would never say it to each other, so sage thought it was a normal thing throughout her entire life. even mike and nancy believed it.

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