Vol. 1: Chapter 3.3 - A Glimpse Of His Power

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I walked over to Sudou and his friends, while dragging Horikita with me as payback for earlier.

"Yeah, I came with Horikita here, don't mind her." They were looking at the unmoving Horikita curiously, so I decided to shut down any questions. I'm sure she would appreciate that.

"Eh?! You're friends with Ayanokouji, Sudou?" Ike asked in disbelief.

"Of course I'm friends with Ayanokouji." Sudou said proudly.

"So...what are you guys doing here? I know Sudou's going to join the basketball club, but I don't know about you two." I asked.

"We just came because we felt it might be fun, you know? Besides, we
thought we might have a fateful encounter afterward," Ike said.

"What do you mean, 'fateful encounter'?"

I wanted Ike to explain his rather odd-sounding goal. He crossed his
arms and responded proudly, "I want to get my first girlfriend in Class D.
That's my goal. That's why I'm keeping my eyes open for an encounter."

Apparently, Ike considered having a girlfriend to be of the utmost
priority. I could understand this goal of his, since getting a girlfriend and falling in love was one of my main goals in coming to this school. Of course, I wouldn't date just anyone, I'm not that desperate. However, I could see myself dating a girl who knows me in and out, my true self so to speak.

At that thought I recalled a vague memory from years ago...

Flashback 6 Years Ago...

I groggily headed towards to cafeteria to eat. We had just finished our training and as always, I had to train harder than everyone else just because I'm his son. What a bunch of idiots. They can't fight him with their own power so they target someone weaker. Such cowardice. Well eventually, with the growth I've been having, I would surpass them in power. I can't wait to see the looks on their faces once I demolish them.

(A. N. Child Kiyo is somewhat of a sadist. He mostly shows it in his thoughts. But Teen Kiyo is sadistic but to a lesser extent. You can probably guess on what scenes he will be sadist. Also even though he is a sadist, he could quickly return to being normal if he wants to.)

"Finished monologuing?" As I ended my thoughts, ______ had taken her usual seat at my table. She looked absolutely tired like everyone else, but unlike them, she was still trying to smile.

"Yes I am." I say as I start eating the food in front of me. As always, the food they give us has been ensured to be the most nutritious and to replace the energy that we used during our physical training this morning.

"You know earlier this morning I-" With that she started talking about her day so far. How difficult it had been, how she got through it, her thoughts, her feelings, all of these were told by her as I intently listened to every word. Listening to her talk has been one of the highlights in my dull and colorless life. She is the only person whom I can confidently confirm is my friend. While I still didn't fully grasp the concept of friendship, however something inside is telling me that she is someone precious to me.

Soon after, I had realized that she had stopped talking. I exited my thoughts for a bit to take a look at her.

She was looking at something, or it's better to say observing something in my general direction. I looked behind me, at my sides and above me, but I couldn't find anything of interest. After a while she started talking again, seemingly free from her trance.

"Kiyotaka, you are really..." She paused for a bit, drawing out my expectations.

"Handsome!" She exclaimed.

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