Vol. 1: Chapter 6.1 - Ordinary Days

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I arrived at the classroom a little later than usual. A little over half of the seats have already been filled with my classmates.

I walked over to my seat and was met with a surprisingly calm Horikita. I was sure she'd be glaring at me right now after I basically made her my minion yesterday, but she accepted it quite easily.

"Good morning Horikita."

"Good morning master. To what pleasure do you owe to speak to someone as lowly as me." Horikita said sarcastically. Nevermind, she hasn't accepted it yet. Those words coming from Horikita's mouth just felt wrong somehow. I could never imagine Horikita talking to someone like that. Well... she talked to me like that just now, but that doesn't count.

"You're still on about that?"

Horikita looked at me like I was some kind of alien life form she had never seen before.

"Of course I am! Who in there right mind would willingly serve someone who was the reason for said servitude in the first place!" Actually Horikita I can think of a couple of ways to make someone willingly obey me, even though I had originally blackmailed them into doing so. Fortunately for you Horikita, you aren't a candidate for that to be tried on. Be grateful.

Horikita gave me a strange look. It was a mix of confusion and a glare. I wanted to know what she was thinking about that lead to her making such an expression, but I have a feeling that would be a bad idea.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" In the end I swallowed my fears and decided to ask her.

"I had a sneaking suspicion that you were thinking of something rude about me." She replied. Can all women read minds or is it just Horikita who can do so? If so, then she may have the potential to become a formidable opponent to those that cross her.

Or she can't read minds and just had a random suspicion about me. Makes sense since she has to obey my every order so she must have some suspicion on what I'll make her do next.

"I'm not." I answered, showing no indication that I had been lying about my answer.

"Is that so." But it turns out that Horikita didn't believe me. I decided to start talking to her about more important topics.

"So, what's your current progress? Or did you start yet?" I asked. Horikita glared at me, annoyed at me for giving her this troublesome task.

"Yes, I have started mapping the cameras. Earlier this morning, I managed to cover half of the perimeter of the school building. I listed down each camera location on a map, including potential blindspots. I even have a digital copy. I'll continue mapping later today. "

I felt my eyes widen in shock. Horikita managed to do all this in under two hours. She was the right person for this job, she did it fast and also thoroughly. I suspect that she'll be finished in two weeks, a nice coincidence if I may.

"Good job Horikita, I knew I could count on you." Horikita had no reaction to my compliment, though it seems that she mistook it for sarcasm as she was trying to hold back her glare.

"Your welcome. While this may not be the best use of my personal time, I at least do it knowing that this information will be useful in the future."

"I can assure you this will be useful in the long run, you can count on it." Both for the good of the class and fow my own personal benefit of course, though I didn't say that out loud.

The bell started ringing signalling the start of Homeroom. Chabashira-sensei gracefully strode into the classroom, seemingly in a happy mood. She looked at me and slightly smiled before turning her attention to the class.

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