Chapter Ten: Meeting the Cousins

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Freya/Mila's POV

I ran back out the door I had come through, leaving Thor and Loki there.

Eventually I came to a fork in the road, if you will.


Right? Left? Right? Right? Left? Right?

What the hell?

I heard someone approaching me from behind. Going into defensive mode, I whirled around, my fist aiming for whoever's it was face.

My fist instead got stopped by a strong hand, holding it tightly. Damn, my reflexes are messed up being here.

Wait, I had been about to hit this person's chest. This person was very, very tall.

I looked at the person's chest, then looked up at a face that looked extremely familiar.

It was like a replica of Thor's face, except younger. Whoever this boy had shaggy dark blond hair, beach-tanned skin, and pale blue eyes. He had a faint four o' clock shadow that mimicked Thor's a bit, and whoever it was studied me curiously.

Embarrassed, I backed up a step. Wow, this guy was tall. About six feet, if you asked me. I felt like a freaking shortie, and we Russians are typically pretty tall.

And why was everybody eyeing me up around here? What was so interesting about me?

"Freya?" he asked in a gentle, yet rough at the same time voice, with the same strange British-like accent that everyone had here.

"Mila," I corrected him. Freya was just too weird.

He smiled, as if slightly amused that I had refused the name."Are you alright," He asked me.

"Yeah," I said.

"I heard that you had returned. Did Loki bring you back?"

I nodded. "More like took me by force," I commented bitterly.

He laughed. "Finally! Someone else who hates him," he said in a sort of happy

He leaned against the wall, giving me a knowing look. "You obviously know how he is."

"Yeah, I think I do," I said, looking around me. I was anxious and nervous that Loki was going to come around the corner or something.

"Enjoying the view, Princess," the boy asked me.

I looked back at him. "Princess," I asked skeptically.

"Yes." A smirk made its way onto his face.

I really liked this guy. He was carefree and nice (even if the tiniest bit arrogant).

"Who are you," I asked him. "Everyone around here knows who I am, and yet I don't remember anything."

"I'm Mothi."

I raised my eyebrows. What was with all the weird names?


"Thor's son. Heir to the throne of Asgard." He spoke as if it were no big deal.


He rolled his eyes and sighed. "And that would be my sister."

A girl with silken waves of golden hair, pale blue eyes like Mothi's, and cute features ran towards us. She seemed around a year younger than me, and wore a dress similar in design to mine.

"Where have you been? Freya has returned and you're standing here flirting with . . ." she saw me full on. "Freya?"

I hadn't the slightest idea how to respond to her question, but I didn't have time to, anyway.

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