Chapter Twelve: Showdown With Sif

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Freya/Mila's POV

"Freya." Someone shook my shoulder.

I groaned and rolled over, ignoring the voice. I was so tired. I wanted to sleep some more.

"Wake up. It's time for breakfast."

"I'm not hungry," I mumbled. Who was so hell-bent on making sure I wouldn't sleep in?

The person shoved me off the bed.

"Hey! What the hell---" I saw a petite girl with long blonde hair looking down amusdly at me. Thrud.

Now I remembered. Stomping back to the palace, Mothi and Thor finding me...I must have fallen asleep.

"Okay." I sat up, yawning. "If this is gonna work, we have get something straight: I sleep in until at least two p.m. on Saturdays." How did I know it was Saturday? We had a family tradition that on Saturdays, we had pancakes for lunch. We got it from how when I was little, I always wanted pancakes for lunch, and I now slept until the typical time I ate lunch on Saturdays. At least two p.m. Now I was practically an alarm clock when it came to sleeping late on Saturdays.

"Oh well. You're going to have to wake up with the rest of us now. Get dressed."

I groaned and stood up, remembering the white silk nightgown I had put on. I didn't have any of my own clothes, so Thrud had lent me this one. It was a little too small, too tight in the chest area, but it was comfortable.

I took the dress Thrud offered me, a shiny gold one in the same style as the one I'd worn yesterday, except this one had a sprinkling of silver glitter on the chest area, making it sparkle whenever I moved.

I had a hair tie on my wrist, and I used it to pull my hair into a ponytail, not really knowing what else to do with it. The intricate braids had fallen out in my sleep. Hopefully this hair tie would survive longer than the other ones I'd accidentally snapped or lost.

When I was done dressing, I decided to go barefoot again. I couldn't stand high heels.

Someone knocked on Thrud's bedroom door. I recalled her begging Thor to let us share a room, and him agreeing. We had become fast friends, and I was totally grateful that he had let me room with her. I didn't want to be alone in such an unfamiliar place. At least for now.

Thrud opened the door, and there stood Mothi and Freyr, my twin brother. He was a couple inches taller than me, and we basically looked almost exactly the same, like the identical twins we were. He had the same curly auburn hair (cropped short), pale skin, and silver eyes.

"Good morning, Princess," Mothi greeted me, offering a friendly smirk. The annoying nickname had stuck, and it royally annoyed me, no pun intended.

"Good morning to you, too," I replied, brushing past him to stand by Freyr. He was a really quiet guy. When I had met him yesterday, he had told me how he kept to himself a lot because of how people treated him. Apparently being Loki's son didn't get you a lot of popularity points. I liked him and immediately trusted him. Maybe it was a twins' bond or something, I didn't know. I did know already had three people I knew I could count on here. Four if you counted Thor.

"Let's go," Thrud said, looking impatient.

"Why don't we just go very, very slow just so that we're late again?" Mothi asked jokingly, ruffling her hair.

She ducked away, looking even more annoyed. "You know how Father feels about that."

"And you know how much I care."

"Fair enough," she laughed.

I was confused by how they thought their conversation humorous, so I just started walking with Freyr.

"So, what's up with Loki?" I asked him. "Will he be there?"

Freyr shook his head. "No. He never comes. He keeps to himself. Much like me."

"Okay, the anti-social thing you have going isn't helping with your social status, dude. You have to lighten up and try to make some friends."

"Dude?" He gave me a confused look.

I sighed. "Don't even ask." Everyone was so formal with how they talked here! I hoped I wouldn't adopt the ridiculous British-like accent from being around here.

They led me to a huge dining room, where many people were already seated. I recognized Odin and Thor, but the rest I didn't know.

"Welcome, Freya." Odin stood up and greeted me. I nodded and offered a friendly smile to everyone.

Most people glared at me.

At first, I was like, what the hell? Then I remembered what Freyr had told me about people discriminating against us just because we were Loki's children. Well, that pissed me off, now.

A woman with a kind and motherly face came up to me.

"Hello," she said. "I am Frigga. We are glad to have you back, my dear."

I heard someone cough at the table.

I looked and saw Thor glaring at a young woman with dark brown hair and and a warrior's garb on. She was obviously very tough, and she seemed to be one of the many who didn't particularly like me.

"Do you have something to say?" I asked her.

"Not at all," she said, an unconcerned expression plastered on her face. "It's just that not all of us are exactly 'glad to have you back.'"

"Sif!" Thor looked appalled. Apparently this wasn't how she normally acted.

"Do you all have some sort of problem with me?" I asked addressing the people at the table. Many looked at their plates, while others gave me bitter looks.

"Listen, my brother and I had nothing to do with whatever Loki has done to all of you. From what I hear and through personal experience, I can say that he's not exactly an innocent. But remember that me and Freyr aren't him. Don't mix us up." And with that I huffed and took a seat next to Thor.

Everyone was silent, then Thor gave me a congratulatory clap on the shoulder. The force of it almost made me involuntarily stuff my face in my food.

"Well said, Freya."

"Mila," I said automatically for what seemed like the hundredth time.

"Yes. Sorry."

"That's alright."

Breakfast was interesting. At home, we wouldn't really talk much. We didn't even sit at a table together like this. I was out the door in five minutes so I could get to school and hang out, or my parents weren't even there because of a mission. Here, everyone was eager to sit down and start conversation with each other.

Thrud sat on my left, and Thor on my right. Freyr was across from me and Mothi was next to him, having an animated conversation with someone he seemed to know pretty well.

I stabbed at my weird looking heap of something that tasted like a potato with a side of what I was pretty sure was ham. Lately I had been completely bombarded with a bunch of different crap. I would really have to think about all this soon. I didn't even know what I was doing after breakfast, let alone what I would do here as long as Loki thought was necessary.

What did he want me here for anyway? What was I to him? I had a feeling that he didn't just miss his long lost daughter. There had to be something more.

"Mila." Thrud poked my arm.

I looked over at her, and she gestured for me to come with her. I saw that Mothi and Freyr were already walking away, and I followed them out of the dining room.

"Time for your first taste of how we have fun in Asgard." Freyr smirked.

I smiled, immediately sensing how rebellious these guys normally were.

This was going to be fun.

FreyaHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin