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People are selfish by nature, willingly to wrong even those they love to achieve their greatest dreams. They take and take until their unsatiable need is 'fulfilled.' There's a false illusion of a gilded endgame in all of this but truthfully there is only the broken remains left behind of the person they hallowed out.

Bambi had been called selfish her entire life by her mother. Selfish for wanting the bigger dream house for Christmas instead of thinking about her families finances when she was a little girl, she was selfish for wanting a prom dress handmade instead of renting the one that was size too small and made her ribs bruise, selfish for wanting to go to art school, for wanting to leave New York. She was always the selfish one.

- And now, cuddled into Theodores side as he stared intently at football game chattering away on the tv. She knew she would be as selfish as need be to keep this man in her life. His home he had bult with his bare hands had grow to be her safe haven, their love had practically blossomed here and she couldn't imagine being any where else.

"Did I tell you I love you today?" Her nails gently scraped against his scalp making his eyes involuntarily flutter for a moment before he gazed down at the tiny woman he cradled into him. Her time here had done her well, she had gained back all the weight her mother had forced her to lose, she let her hair grow out as long as she wanted, sat in the sun gardening and reading for hours.

"I love you like moon loves the sun, enough to die for it to shine everyday." Bears words sent a flurry of heat across her face, he wasn't good with his words but he was learning and there was nothing easier for him to talk about than his woman.

"You-" The shrill sound of Bears phone cut their talk and with a sigh he grabbed the device off the coffee table keeping Bambi tucked close.


"Whatever you do don't let my sister out of your sight and don't trust anyone at the club."

Bullet was panting, tone frantic and harsh. He gulped and swallowed rather dryly and winced. Bambi frowned at Bears sudden tense posture, giving him a questioning look to which he pecked her forehead and slid off the couch into the kitchen propping the door open with his foot slightly.

"Bullet what the hell are you talking about? Are you alright?" There was a grunt before he got a response.

"The son of a bitch knew I was coming, invited me up for a fucking drink- fuck, he cut me with a steak knife. It's not too deep, I should be able to ride my bike back but the fucker is already on his way."

"And why cant we trust our brothers?" There was another long pause but this one seemed more tense, something more dangerous lurking in Bullets silence.

"Because one of our 'brothers' was sending pictures of her at the clubhouse, our fathers house, gardening- fuc- Fucking naked pictures of Bambi in your bed, when I get back I am going to skin that motherfucker alive and make him swallow it."

The beast that had been dormant since the angel laid homage in his heart was suddenly roaring, blood thirsty and now on the hunt.

"Get in line. I'll meet you at the shop." Bears tone had dropped into a seething one, his grip on the phone turned his knuckles ghostly white as he ended the call. His mind already flittering through the possibilities.

"Theo, everything alright?" Bears anger rolled off him in waves of ice, making Bambi wrap her cardigan tighter around her as she rubbed her arms. Tucking a strand of hair behind her ear as she gazed at him warily, being around men angry was something she wasn't sure she would ever be used to.

"Darlin' I need to ask you something and please be honest, even if you think it will upset me." She nodded immediately, although slightly confused, but his tone was soft and his gaze was still holding the adoration when he looked at her. "Has any of the brothers from the club make you uncomfortable, ever? Even for a moment?" For a moment she almost burped out Anchor's name but Bear had been there to stop that, and Riot asked a few personal question but nothing she couldn't handle.

She shook her head, 'no'.

"Not a prospect, or anybody?" Again she flittered through her mind but no one out of the ordinary was ringing any bells. Again she shook her head and Bear sighed, pulling her in by her cheeks to place a chaste kiss on her lips.

"Theo, what is going on?" She gripped his forearms eager for an explanation but Bear couldn't say it, thinking about it made him nauseous. But she deserved to know, swallowing thickly he sighed so deep his chest seemed to cave.

"Someone at the club has been sending your picture to Sean." He gritted his teeth at the way her body froze with fear, her nail suddenly sunk into his flesh.

"What? For how long? Oh my god-"

"No, no sweetheart don't fall into her panic on me. I need you to trust Bullet and I more than anything right now. I promise nothing is going to happen to you, I love you. I got you, okay?" She could only nod, despite how reassuring his words were, no matter how much they anchored her emotionally. Mentally she felt like she was being dragged back to that cold, lonely penthouse all over again and the thought made her shudder.

She couldn't go back to that, surely she wouldn't survive whatever sick punishment Sean had in mind. She had just repaired the plethora of damage he created, finally opened her self back up and now her past she was running rapidly from was threaten to wash it all away like tsunami.

Why did I have to be so selfish?

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