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"Y'all travel safe now! Bye!" Bambi beamed at the couple with their small child, having learned through serving them breakfast that they were passing through to see the sights and then they would settle into the house they bought near the country side.

Despite her tense conversation with Bear last night Bambi was determined be stay on a good note. Hunter was coming back tomorrow afternoon and she was finally going to have time to start some art for her portfolio, she had been mulling over things to sketch or paint. It's been years and she was slightly worried she wouldn't have the same talent as before.

"Everything alright sweetie?" Lucinda breezed in front the kitchen with a tray of glasses that Bambi immediately grabs for, setting it on the counter with a soft smile.
"Yes, I've just finished the last family of the breakfast rush. I was just about to start wiping the tables down for lunch." Bambi rambled, reaching under the counter to grab the disinfectant just as the bell above the door rang.

"Those boots better not be muddy or you'll be mopping." Lucindas voice floated followed by a rumbling chuckle. One that vibrated Bambi's spine in a way she couldn't understand, Bear smirked holding his hands in surrender.
"We just wanted to get some grub, no mud." Bambi eyed the three other men accompanying him.

One she recognized as Tennessee, the bartender she couldn't utter more than three words too. And the other two, she had never seen before but were equally as intimidating in their leather cuts and beards.

Averting her eyes she focused on wiping down the bar as Taylor, another waitress approached the booth they claimed in the back corner where they could see the entire diner.
Lucinda scoffed shaking her head, "That girls as fast as cheetah when she's see leather." Bambi giggles as Lucinda shuffles into the kitchen still grumbling about her brass waitress.

Across the diner her soft giggles don't go unnoticed by Bear, shifting his gaze past the blonde waitress flirting with Eightball, to eye the fawn haired woman wiping out dusty glasses.

"Prez?" Tennessee nudges his shoulder and Bears attention jerked back to his booth, the waitress who tag reads Taylor pops her gun expectantly.

"A cheese burger, fries and a beer." He grunts his usual and she nods. Scribbling it down before l sashaying back towards the kitchen, tossing a flirty smirk over her shoulder.

"Any word from racer?" Racer the road captain usually kept tabs in while they were on a run, Bear knew Bambi was probably worried about Bullet and he was sure being alone for the first time since she came here isn't easy.

"Smooth run, no interceptions. The should be back as scheduled." Rascal a prospect that was well onto earning his patch answered and Bear nodded as Bambi approached with a tray of drinks and a soft smile.

The tray with three beers filled to the rim was heavy and she struggled not to spoil the contents of the bitter substance. In Bambis opinion it was still quite early to be drinking but Bear was massive and she doubted one beer was enough to knock a man of his stature on his behind.

"Y'all food should be out shortly." She beamed politely, excited to get off and spend the rest of the evening looking through old photo albums. "Can I get y'all anything else while you wait?" She wipes her hands on her apron as she eyes each massive man.

Eightball, a man with rust colored hair hanging to the tips of his ears and a short trimmed beard and dazzling hazel eyes. He oozed sex appeal and unfortunately, his attention was now on Bambi.

"I wouldn't mind a few minutes in the bathroom sweet cheeks." The words humiliated her immediately, the vulgar words were things Sean would spew into her ear at their shared work events.

Before another word could be utter Bear grabbed hold of the back of Eightballs cut and the mama neck in a painful grasp his fingers digging into the pressure points. Bambi gasp as Eighballs eyes widen out of their sockets in agony.

"Apologize, now or I'll break your neck." Bear growled, his anger feeling like lava in his veins as he watched Bambi squirm uncomfortably.

Eightball hands throw up in surrender and he wheezes, "I'm sorry, I swear." He stumbles as Bear forces him out the booth.

"Go back to the club house and dont leave." He growled and Eightball lowered his gaze in respect rubbing the sore spot on his neck.

"Yes Prez." He shuffled out the diner not sparing Bambi another glance, Tennessee sighed shaking his head.
"I'll go make sure they aren't cleaning out my bar. Sorry about that little one, we're not all assholes I promise." He shoots her a wink that makes her feel a little easier as he slides out the booth tossing a respectful nod to Bear whose glaring at the table fist clenched.

He was upset he had allowed himself to have such an outburst in front of her, she was obviously easily frightened and now-

"Thank you, Bear." He jolted as her small soft hand dropped onto his still clenched fist and he relaxed the moment her skin touched his, a soft feeling buzzing through him like a hummingbird was flapping its wings inside his gut.

He nodded, staring into those chestnut eyes almost getting lost in the chocolate hues of them, the way they crinkled on the side as she grinned. Her hand slipping away as she turns back to her job as customers spill in for the dinner rush and Taylor returns with his steaming plate of food, not even questioning the absence of the two men who accompanied him prior.

Sitting back, Bear sipped his ice cold beer and watched the fawn dance around the diner, smiling warmly at older couples, striking conversation with women and giggling with children but she seemed to avoid the men all around, the could be as clean cut as a suit and tie or one of his club members as still Bambi's mouth didn't curve into her friendly smile and she barely came close enough to hear their order.

But she had touched Bear, voluntarily put herself in his presence, a deeply primitive part of him purred at the revelation.

The Art of Disappearing and Reappearing (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now