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"You all can stop hover around the windows for prez, Lady P is riding back down with Bullet." Razor snickered at the deflation of several shoulders as the group crowding the window slowly disperse.

"What's in the box Razor? Better not be another car part you jacked off some civilian." Turning after gently coaxing his wife away from the window, Tennessee eyed the medium sized box clutched in both of Razors tattooed hands.

"Of course not, Bullet wouldn't even help me sell off the last muffler I borrowed. This is a gift to Lady P." Despite his massive size- among the rest of his club brothers, Razor was one of the youngest, spending most of his time on the road doing jobs for the club, almost like a ghost but he had gained his patch quickly and Bears trust and respect even quicker. Razor had first met Bambi coming in after a two day ride home and unlike the usual times he'd slunk his way to the bar for two shots of whiskey still covered in debris and grime- Bambi had been at the clubhouse that day, cooking up a storm in what was no longer the empty kitchen Tennessee dished out BLTs like a factory but something that reminded him of home when he lived with his grandmother and aunt.

Bambi hadn't known Razor from a hole in the wall and vice versa, but she had greeted him with a smile a mother would give her child when they returned from school, ushered him to the new large dining table that wasn't there before where some of his other brothers were already scarfing down heaps of food before she settled a plate piled with food in front of him. Flashing a cheeky grin she had said, "Y'all eat as much as you want. I cant imagine spending days eating from restaurants, I'm sure yall are starving for something home cooked." And they were- well Razor knew he was, then he was assigned to watch her at work after being assaulted, and it was easy to adore the person Bambi was and grow a respect for her wisdom. She treated everyone with a nurturing kindness that he hadn't felt since he left home, he was pretty sure he had accepted her as his President Lady before Bear asked for her.

"What is it?" Marisol was beside him, poking a finger at the flaps of the box trying to get a peak but frowned as Razor ducked out of her way.

"Nah-uh, strict orders from Prez for him to be the first to open the box when it got here." Rolling her eyes Marisol backed away with her hands in false surrender, "He should be here soon." He snickered to himself as the crowd starting to trickle back towards the windows.

"Do you remember that promise I made to you, when you were six?" Hunter felt himself squint as Bambi frowned, narrowing her eyes slightly into thin air. She had been doing that a lot lately since they've started their meal, having a hard time answer questions about the past the could usually recall on any other day- any other day before someone tried to turn her brain to mush.

"Its a little fuzzy." Bambi admits, swallowing thickly against the burning knot that had been building in her throat the moment she realized her memories were still hazy, the good ones of her father and of her brother when he lived at home were now a smeared and blurry mess. "But I think you promised to buy me the pink ukulele we seen at the ninety-nine store."

Despite her pause causing a endless river of emotions running through Bullet, he managed to snort at her words. "I think that came after." His smile widening with his sisters as she sipped her sweet tea, waving her hand in a motion as if to say, 'go on, im listening.'

"It was the first time dad left, I promised I wouldn't be dad. That I wouldn't leave you behind like he left us. That was the first time I promised you something." His words took the smile off his own face, clearing his throat as he continued, "First one I ever broke too. B-but there are reasons why I- I had to." He felt his chest tighten, eyes squeezing shut against the memories.

Concern painting every corner of Bambi's features, she reaches across the table for her brothers hand. "Hey- Hunter. It's okay. I know I say it all the time but truly, Bianca is-" She pauses, staring at her brother for a moment before shaking her head as if to clear it from its thoughts, but there were none. Bambi was just drawing blanks- again. She frowned, Hunter taking for the topic of their discussion but Bambi was starting to get tired, they had been here for three hours already and maybe that's why her memory was suddenly getting worse. "Bianca's j-just different. I'm trying to say, I understand. You had your reasons for leaving and I had my reasons for saying- which I can hardly explain to myself at times." Biting back a yawn she smiled at the tension visibly leaving Bullets wide shoulders.

If he wasn't a biker- he could definitely play for the NFL or a hockey league, Bambi thought.

"Speaking of Bianca, Keys says he tracked her credit card in Florida, we've got a sister chapter out in Miami. I wanted to be the one to tell you." Bullet scanned his sisters features, the natural serene look she had to her, she reminded him a lot of their fathers mother Simone but she passed away before Bambi was born. He tightened his hold on her hands, gaze flicking down as her left hand shook slightly, "I've told them DOA. Which means, if they bring us her alive or proof she's- uh- passed, we're gonna give a bounty of ten grand." Bullet huffed, almost wincing at his own words as he decided to just rip the band-aid off. Expecting an explosion of emotion from his sister who had stuck by their abusive mother even when she practically sold her off as a trophy bride.

Bambi had something Hunter didn't with his mother, not since he was a baby, and that's only because he cant recall the feelings he harbored in that part of his life but Bambi had tried her entire life to gain a emotion relationship with their mother, even if that meant Bianca insulting Bambi's eating habits until she starved herself and Hunter had to force her to eat again, or get belligerently drunk, trash the house while screaming profanity and blame of a marriage she destroyed on his little sister until she blacked out. Bambi had the unconditional love and devotion most kids were supposed to have for their parents that Hunter just didn't. He did not love nor care for the woman who gave birth to him but he loved his father dearly.

Hunter waited for Bambi to flinch, wince or even bat an eye but she didn't, he felt her squeeze his hands and he squeezed back.

"Okay." she nodded once, noting Hunters slightly confused face her nonchalance should worry him more than it does, she shrugs. "Hunter after you left, it was like she crawled into my skin and I disappeared. Everything I did, ate and even who I dated was Bianca's decision. It took every ounce of willpower to run from that church and I was looking for my brother but you have introduced me to an entire family I didn't even know we had. I wake up full of laughter again, I can walk to my fathers house and know my brother is there, or stuck under a car in his shop. I've found a man who I love that loves me back, sisters I never knew I even needed and a whole lot of crazy brothers. And if Bianca if the only threat that stands between disappearing and reappearing again, I don't want to be the one to disappear this time, never again."

The Art of Disappearing and Reappearing (UNEDITED)Where stories live. Discover now