Forgotten, But Never Gone

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"I think we need more milk."

"We have so much milk."

"I think we may need more milk, Alice." You repeated, dragging out the 'I.'

"You're so weird."

"They're not weird," Reko said, "Just attracted to the skinny n scrawny cashier at 7-Eleven."

"I am not. Also, he is not skinny nor scrawny."

"Oh, yes he is." Reko looked at you like you were crazy, "I stopped by after class today so I could get a look at 'em." We were all in the living room, and Reko was hanging upside down off the sofa's arm.

"You robbed him of his umbrella."

"I forgot about his umbrella." You said, suddenly standing up. "Bye guys."

"Where do you think you're going?" Reko returned to an upright position, holding her head when nausea from being upside down finally kicked in.

"You know." You slid on your shoes and picked up Shin's umbrella. "Bye guys."

~ * ~

"Welcome in." His voice greeted you. He was on his phone again.

"Thanks." Your familiar voice pulled his gaze away from his device. You held his umbrella up and walked over to him.

"Oh... right. I forgot I gave you that, to be honest." He shifted slightly in his seat. You handed the umbrella to him and he shoved it into his bag.

"Alright, bye." You said, spinning on your heels and walking towards the door.

"O-Oh? Bye? ...Thank you!"

~ * ~

"You've got table five, next," August told you as they carried a tray back to the kitchen.

"Alright." You said to yourself, heading over to the table. For some reason, you felt uneasy as you approached the table. You didn't believe in higher beings or spiritual bullshit, but this corner of the restaurant was not giving today.

"Hello, my name is Y/N and I'll be your server today." You said when you reached the table. The man in the booth looked up at you.

Something about him seemed off. There wasn't a thought behind those eyes, and you meant that in the worst way. He had a sickly green hair color, as well. Not a pretty teal color like Shin's.

"Can I get you started with any drinks?" You asked, setting a menu on the table.

"Oh... no." He smiled up at you, "I'm actually waiting for an old friend to meet me here, and they haven't arrived yet. Could you come back in five minutes?"

Even the way he spoke was ominous. Good thing you took theater classes in high school. You smiled at him, careful to mask your fear, "Of course! I'll be back in five, then." You turned and your smile immediately dropped as you walked away. You were still tense, though. It felt like he was staring at you.

You waited on a few other tables until you noticed someone heading toward that creep's table.

How funny. They looked a lot like Shin from your local 7-Eleven.

...Wait a minute.

You walked behind a corner, making it to where customers couldn't see you staring at their table.

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