A Challenger Approaches

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A/N: Sorry for dying lmaoooo

A few days of normality went by. Shin hadn't seen or heard from Sou Hiyori, and neither had you. You started visiting him at work again.

"Another Monster?" Shin questioned as he scanned the can, "Those'll give you kidney stones, y'know. Happened to my dad way back when. $2.33."

"Listen," You said, handing him a five, "You can have your Snapple addiction, and I can have my kidney stones."

He chuckled, "Sure." He took the change out of the machine and handed it to you.

"Alright, I gotta get to work. I'll talk to you when I'm done." You waved goodbye as you left the store.

When you opened your car door, Alice was in the passenger seat, "HOW THE FUCK DID YOU GET IN MY CAR?!" You yelled, making him jump.


You looked at him with pure shock and disbelief, "What?"

"I need more milk!"

"You're gonna shit yourself with all this fucking milk you keep buying! Go get your shit before I make you walk home, too. I gotta get to work in an hour, so I won't hesitate to leave your ass behind."

"I just wanna make sure we have enough milk in case that freak starts showing up again. Don't leave me here." Alice jumped out of the car and came back a few minutes later with five gallons of milk.

"Are you fucking insane?" You asked as he got back inside the car.

"Fucking insanely in love with brownies and white shell noodles. Fuck you."

"We don't even have the fridge space for all this shit, you fuckass."

Alice looked you dead in the eyes with the most serious expression you have ever seen him give, "I'll make space. Go to work."

~ * ~

"Table five." Alexandris pointed to your next table as you readjusted your apron and grabbed a menu.

"Don't drop your drinks, Alex." You warned as they swerved around you with a tray of full cups.

"Hello, I'll be your waiter, Y-"

"Y/N." You made eye contact with the customer only to recognize him as Sou Hiyori.

"Yes. That is, indeed, my name." You set the menu down on the table, "Can I get you started with any drinks?"

"No. I'm waiting for someone, currently. He won't be here for a while, though, so come back in ten minutes."

You laughed a terribly annoying laugh while keeping your customer service face on, "Of course! I'll be back when they get here, then. Please, take your time and let me know if you need anything!"

You could only imagine that the friend he was meeting up with was Shin, but your boss would be upset if he saw you on your phone during working hours, and it was the busiest time of the night — 6:37 pm — so you just prayed that Shin would be okay.

Twenty minutes later you saw Shin slide into the booth across from Sou. He looked angry, instead of worried this time.

You swiftly grabbed a menu off of Alex's tray that they weren't using. You made your way over to the table, placing the menu in front of Shin and introducing yourself again as if you'd never met either of them before. You'd insisted before that you didn't know Shin, and you needed to keep the act up, though you doubted Hiyori believed you.

"Any drinks?" You asked after stating the other mandatory shit you always had to say.

"Water." Hiyori said, "And I'm ready to order." He stated his order as you fumbled with your notepad due to his fast order.

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