Another World

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A/N: hey guys what's up. so this was something i turned in for my final school assignment before I graduated *jaw drops* YES I really did turn this in, the only difference was that it didn't say "fucking" and Y/N was replaced with the name "Violet." It was based on this fic, specifically the point right before Hiyori broke into Shin's apartment (lol) so if you even remember this shit then enjoy.

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My phone buzzed underneath me. I ignored it for a moment, too engrossed in the YouTube video on my laptop to care enough. Again, my phone buzzed. Again. Again.

My fingers lightly brushed against the spacebar, and I whipped out my phone from my back pocket. Shin had been texting me, but he was supposed to be at work.

SunShin 🧣🗝️

Y/N, are you home right now ??






What's wrong?

SunShin 🧣🗝️

Fucking finally

That guy is here again



I sigh, leaning my head back against the sofa. I look to my left, where my roommate, Alice, is asleep with his head lying against the arm of the couch and his legs strewn across my lap. Carefully, I picked Alice's legs up, replacing my lap with a pillow to keep his legs elevated. I sent a quick response back to Shin, telling him I'd be there soon while I grabbed the keys to my car off the keyholder Alice's sister, Reko, had crookedly nailed into the wall a few months ago in a fit of rage and impatience.

The drive to the nearby convenience store my friend worked at was fairly short. My heart raced at what horrid things Shin's message was implying, and I spared no time getting there, only running through a few red lights on the way.

Shin had clocked out seconds before I'd arrived, and as I closed my car door behind me, he rushed out of the entrance, the little bell on the door signaling his retreat. "Took you long enough," He said, with a huff and puff of sarcasm. What he really meant was that I couldn't have had better timing. "I'll just leave my car here tonight. My manager already knows that freak's been following me everywhere so she won't—"

"Tsukimi!" A voice called as the entrance bell rang out once more. Shin cut himself off, freezing entirely as the man who'd followed after him placed a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, what are you up to, today?"

"As if he'd even need to ask," I thought. I'd seen this man before. Sick green hair and an even sicker grin. It was the middle of June, and he walked around in a black suit with a red polka-dotted scarf adorning his neck.

"Just... going home," Shin mumbled, shrugging the man off his shoulders and making his way to the passenger side of my car. I looked the man up and down before stepping backward and going with Shin. The man stared at him with his unchanging, unfaltering grin as he buckled in. I could swear he hadn't blinked even as I pulled out of the parking lot, and not even a hair on his head moved as I sped down the street to get away.

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