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"Alexandria is going to be following you around while you're working for the rest of the week." Your boss said. Your hands stopped while they were in the middle of tying the back of your shirt to fit better.

"...Who? ...Do you mean Alexandris? Alex?"

"Yes. I mean her."

"Them." You corrected. Your boss rolled his eyes.

"Get to work." You scoffed at him. You never really talked to your boss, so you hadn't realized what a massive dick he was until yesterday.

You went to find Alexandris, and they explained that as much as they didn't want to bother you, they also really needed this job and just needed to listen to Mr. Chidouin. "Is that why you let him misgender you?"

"He's too old to understand."

"He has a 17-year-old lesbian for a daughter. I'm sure she's gotten on his ass about it before."

~ * ~

"Alex, Y/N, I just sat someone down at table 14. Please take care of him because I'm too busy with a few other tables. Thanks." August walked by you two quickly, though careful not to drop any of the hot plates on their tray.

Alex grabbed you a menu, and you turned to make your way toward table 14, but unfortunately for you, you recognized that shade of green. "No." You said simply, turning to face Alex.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Yeah, you know how I'm getting fired for yelling at a customer? That guy is at table 14."

Alex groaned, "Okay, then I'll take care of it for you. I don't want you causing another scene. You made like four babies cry with your shouting yesterday, and I can't stand the sound of children crying."

You hid around a corner and watched Alex speak to Hiyori. They handed him a menu, then left. "What did he say?" You asked.

"He's waiting for someone. He said to wait until I noticed another person sitting with him. No expected time."

"The restaurant is only open until nine anyway." You said, "It's already... what, half past six? Uhm, but, can I take my break real quick? There's something I need to do, and it's really important."

"Gods, I was waiting for you to ask. I'm so tired. I'll just chill in the break room with you."

"Okay... I'm going to be making a call, though."

~ * ~

"For the love of fuck, Moon Shine, pick up the damn phone." You whispered to yourself.

Leave a message after the tone. BEEP

"You piece of shit." You said in the voicemail. You knew Shin wouldn't take it to heart, as you'd been talking for weeks now, and he seemed to know your humor. "Pick up the god damn phone, huh? I know you're at work, but don't you ever get a fucking piss break?! If you don't call me back by the time I'm out of work I'm gonna break into your home. Please, call me back soon." You hung up for the nth time. You spent the last ten minutes trying to contact Shin, to no avail.

"Everything all right?" Alexandris asked.

"Fuck. I hope. Sorry for swearing, I know you're, like, thirteen years old."

"I'm fucking twenty."

"Yeah, yeah, I know that. That's what I said." You waved your hands around. "I'm gonna take a piss break, and then I'll be ready to get back out there. He was the only table we were waiting on, right?" Alex nodded. "Great. He's probably still sitting out there, waiting eerily."

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