(Can't) Trust

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You and Shin were laying in your bed with a pillow in between the two of you. It wasn't necessary, because both of you were practically falling off the bed with how much space you left between you and him.

While you wouldn't say you were uncomfortable, you couldn't say for sure that Shin felt the same way. It was his idea, but he tends to not think before speaking, you've learned. You spent the rest of the day after the conversation with the siblings thinking of a solution for his problem.

"Have you tried contacting the police?" You whispered through the dark. You rolled over so you were facing Shin's back.

He rolled over to face you, "No. The police won't do shit."

You chuckled, "Yeah, but it wouldn't hurt to try."

"I don't have any evidence of him doing anything illegal."

You paused, "Does your apartment complex not have any fucking security cameras."

Shin sat up, "How the fuck did I forget about the security cameras?" He sighed, then flopped back down to the bed.

"You should talk to whoever owns the apartments and see if you can get the footage. You could also check the cameras at your work if you can. There isn't anything he did at my job that was illegal, so I don't think I'll be of much help. Sorry."

"I think you've done enough just by letting me stay here." It was dark, but you could faintly see Shin smile. "I don't know what I'd do without you, so I'm very grateful for you and your roommates."

The memory of what had happened a little over 24 hours ago had been at the front of your mind the entire time you spent with Shin that day. You felt somewhat awkward. He hadn't brought it up or changed the way he acted with you at all, making you think he either didn't care about it or just forgot.

"You look like you have something you want to say," Shin said.

"I dunno."

"Is it about... yesterday?" You rolled your eyes. He may not be the smartest with some things, but he was right on the nail with that.


"Straightforward. Is something wrong? Do you wanna talk about it?"

"No. Nothing is wrong. I've just been thinking about it."

"Do you... regret it?"

You sighed, "Is there a specific part you're asking about?"

"Just... all of it. The outcome of it."

"No matter what you asked, the answer would be the same. No, I don't regret any part of it. Do you?"

"Of course not. It's just unideal that it's happening amongst so much chaos, y'know."

"...Yeah. Unideal." You chuckled.

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"I have never heard a bitch say unideal before. That's so fucking funny. Especially in this situation. Oh my god," Your chuckle turned more into a whole-hearted laugh just at how ridiculous you thought you sounded. "I feel like this situation is so much more than unideal. It's just funny that you chose that word out of anything."

"What other word could I have used, then?"

"Well, according to Google, you could've said 'displeasing' 'less-than-stellar,' or 'lame.' You're good."

"I'm good?"

"You're so good. You're great."

"Okay, enough with the weird praise, you freak." You could see him smiling, "You should go to bed. I need to go to work tomorrow to look at the footage." He rolled over to face away from you.

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