Hayley Carter

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Played by Phoebe Tonkin

Played by Phoebe Tonkin

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Name: Hayley Carter

Age: 22 (possibly)

Gender: Female

Species: Evolved Werewolf

Pack Status: Beta

POB: Idaho

DOB: 1988, 10/13

Hair Color: Brown

Eye Color: Hazel Green (yellow when in Werewolf form)


John Carter (father)✝️

Unknown Mother

Jay Carter (Twin Brother) Fate Unknown

Peter Hale (adoptive uncle)

Talia Hale (adoptive mother) ✝️

Laura Hale (adoptive sister) ✝️

Derek Hale (adoptive brother/lover)

Cora Hale (adoptive sister)

Wolf Form:

Wolf Form:

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Supernatural Powers:Evolved Werewolf Physiology/TransformationSupernatural AgilitySupernatural DexteritySupernatural DurabilitySupernatural EnduranceSupernatural SensesSupernatural LeapSupernatural ReflexesSupernatural SpeedSupernatural StaminaSup...

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Supernatural Powers:
Evolved Werewolf Physiology/Transformation
Supernatural Agility
Supernatural Dexterity
Supernatural Durability
Supernatural Endurance
Supernatural Senses
Supernatural Leap
Supernatural Reflexes
Supernatural Speed
Supernatural Stamina
Supernatural Strength
Healing Factor
Supernatural Immune System
Supernatural Metabolism
Natural Weaponry
Wallcrawling (via claws).
Contaminant Immunity
Temperature Regulation
Anger Empowerment
Pain Transferal

Other Skills
Master Combatant
Long-Range Tracking
Parkour/Free Running
Multilingualism (French, Italian & Spanish)
Medical Skills (to some degree)

Mountain Ash
Sensitive to high pitched sounds.
Full Moon
Paralytic Venom
Intense Emotions
Lunar Eclipse
Modified Canine Distemper Virus


Derek Hale

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Derek Hale

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