🐺Chapter 2: Wolfing Out🐺

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Hayley crossed her arms as she watched the front line lacrosse players butt-heads with Jackson, the captain of the lacrosse team, and who was protecting the goal

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Hayley crossed her arms as she watched the front line lacrosse players butt-heads with Jackson, the captain of the lacrosse team, and who was protecting the goal. She sees Scott and she knows all to well that it won't end well. Knowing sports like lacrosse is a bit of a violent sports and aggression tends to take over if a werewolf doesn't control his or her emotions. "Derek, this is a really bad idea. He's gonna wolf out and when he does, they'll know what he is." She voiced her input at Derek, who stood beside her near the benches.

"Ready, McCall?" The Coach asked loudly. Hayley can only watch as Scott ran slowly towards Jackson, only for the newly turned wolf to get flipped over easily and on his back.

"Derek." Hayley warned as she and hear Scott's heartbeat racing.

"McCall. What the hell was that? My grandmother could run faster than that and she's dead. Do you want to run faster than my dead grandmother, McCall?" Coach asked and Hayley  saw Scott's eyes shift. From his normal brown ones to a beta's yellow ones.

"Yes, Coach." Scott replied in annoyance at him.

"I can't hear you." The Coach stated, yelling loudly at him from the sidelines.

"Yes, Coach!" Scott yelled louder, running back to front of the first line.

"This isn't going to end well." Hayley said as Scott hurdled himself at Jackson, bumping him pretty roughly. Jackson fell back and Carter  heard his shoulder crack from under the force. "Told you."

"It's happening." Scott warned, groaning and holding his head in his hands.

"What? Now?" Stiles asked, obviously confused and worried.

"Y-yes!" Scott stated louder. Stiles quickly helped Scott stand and they ran in the direction of the boys locker-room.

"So?" Hayley asked, turning to Derek who narrowed his eyes while he followed the boys with his gaze. "What's the plan?" She added, looking back towards the field.

"We pay Scott a visit." He stated emotionlessly.

'Oh boy.' Hayley knows what paying a visit to Scott entails.


"What'd you find out?" Scott asked, sitting in his chair and Stiles sighed.

"Well, it's bad. Jackson's got a separated shoulder." Stiles replied with a shrug.

"Because of me?" Scott asked, groaning angrily at the thought of him hurting someone.

"Because he's a tool." Stiles replied in reassurance as he rolled his eyes. Unaware that someone else heard that.

Hayley and Derek are inside Scott's room. The former chuckled quietly. She was so going to like Stiles.

"Well, is he still going to play?" Scott asked, running his hands through his hair. Hayley doesn't approve of this hairstyle McCall has and really wished the kid get a haircut.

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