🐺Chapter 1: Returning Home After Six Years🐺

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Hayley Carter and Derek Hale were on the road back from New York to the very town they left six years ago.

Beacon Hills.

For the former, it's another tragedy she was forced to endure.

In Idaho, she lost her pack and her father, with only her twin brother, who's currently missing, and then most of The Hale family dead, killed by a fire set up by someone who knew what they were and hunted those like the two.

Hayley and Derek are werewolves of natural birth. Coming from a long line of them if one imagines. And the reasons for them coming back to town was because for the latter, Derek's older sister, Laura, hasn't returned their calls in 48 hours. Which means something is wrong.

Derek drove as fast as he could through the woods of Beacon Hills. When they saw the burnt up house come into their view from the small hill, he slowed down.

Derek cautiously parked his car and turned off the engine before both got out of it and listen closely to their surroundings.

Hayley felt this pit forming in her stomach as the only thing she smelled other then dust and old woods, was death.

Before they arrived, they spoke to someone who was just passing by and were told that a women was found dead. Only the bottom half. Which means the upper half is out there.

"We have to find her other half before they do."

"And what happens when we do?" Hayley asked Derek.

"We bury her. She deserves a burial." He replied. "The reason why we can't ID the body is because if hunters are here, they find out we identified the body, we'd be alerting them that we're here."

Hayley reluctantly agreed. As much as she wants to give Laura a better funeral then just burying her and not have a tombstone, she knows Derek's right. Keeping a low profile will help them find whoever killed Laura without hunters getting in the way.

Hayley has always despised hunters. There the reasons why her dad and the pack she and her brother is apart of is dead. And likely the reasons why Laura, Cora and Jay are dead. Almost every person she ever cared about, lost even, was because of them.

The two werewolves ran into the forest, searching for the smell of blood and any indication on where Laura's body would be.


Once they've found Laura's upper body, they buried her, with a with wolfsbane, disgusting her body.

Hayley and Laura were best friends. Sisters even. She can't believe she's dead. Let alone someone killed her. It seems death follows the pair wherever they go. But what really irks her is the fact that two teenage boys were in the woods.

Laura's upper body was the only thing Hayley and Derek found. Although the former found an inhaler. The name says Scott McCall. "Teenage boys looking for a body. That's new. Not even we were that stupid when we were their age."

"We haven't been here in a long time, Hayley." Derek said to her.

"Six years. And it still feels like it was just yesterday." Hayley replied looking back at the house. But then she heard sounds coming from distant.

Derek heard it two and moved towards the source of that sound until he felt felt a presence behind him and he was now on high alert. He snarled, letting out a low growl in warning to them before he turned around quickly, only to be knocked on the ground by a man with the same cold steel blue eyes as Derek, as he snarls at him for a moment before he puts his fangs away and his wolf eyes turn back to brown. "Hey, D. Long time my man."

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