🐺Chapter 3: Pack Hierarchy🐺

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Hayley sighs, she just gotten the news from Kevin that a bus driver was mauled

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Hayley sighs, she just gotten the news from Kevin that a bus driver was mauled. By The Alpha no less. She showed this to Derek. "It says he's in critical condition."

"If there's a chance he remembers something about the attack, we should question him." After Derek said that, both he and Hayley heard a vehicle pulled up at the old house.

"It looks pretty deserted dispatch. Did you want me to take a look inside?" The cop asked and the two werewolves eyed the dog in the back of the car that was with him.

"It's county property. Orders to make sure it's vacant." Dispatch replied and Hayley merely smirked and tilted her head at the German Shepard who winced.

"I-I don't think anyone's home." The cop replied hesitantly, obviously not wanting to fully investigate if it's vacant or not.

"For the love of God, sixteen. Go inside and see if anyone's in there." Dispatch stated angrily, only for Derek and Hayley to emit a low growl at the dog before it started barking vigorously.

"Copy that." The cop stated, slowly walking towards the house. With no other choices, the two clenched their jaws and glared down at the dog, with Derek shifting his hazel green eyes to steel blue and Hayley shifted hers into her amber yellow ones. Then the two watched the dog throw its head out of the window and bark loudly out of control, scaring the cop. The dog started wincing before the cop ran back towards the car and drove off.

Hayley crossed her arms and looked at Derek. "So when do we set off?"

"Maybe later tonight." He replied before his expression changed.

"What is it?"

"It's Scott." Derek replied to Hayley's question as she looks out the window and smirk.

"Let's go see what he wants." Hayley descends downstairs but doesn't open it yet.

"I know you guys can hear me. " Scott's voice stated from outside. "I need your help." He added in defeat. Derek and Hayley shared the same expression before he slowly came down the stairs to be beside Hayley and put his hand on the doorknob before opening the door. Scott stood on the porch in front of them and they both walked out, closing the door behind them.

Hayley wore a blank face, still upset at Scott for making the cops think that Derek murdered his sister.

"Okay.. I know I was part of you two getting arrested and that we basically announced you both being here to the hunters, I also don't know what happened to your sister. But I think I did something last night." Scott stated in a worried voice before Derek and Hayley exchanged looks.

"Tell us then. What happened?" Hayley told him.

"I had a dream about... Someone, but then someone else got hurt and it turns out that, that part of the dream actually happened..." He informed and Hayley tilted her head at him. But she thinks it's because the bond between the alpha and its beta is strong. She should know, because she and Jay experienced it with their dad once.

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