🐺Chapter 6: Heart Monitor🐺

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Hayley and Derek watched as Scott ran through the car garage as fast as he could and made quick turns

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Hayley and Derek watched as Scott ran through the car garage as fast as he could and made quick turns.

The latter was pretending he was the alpha by making terrifying growls and even clawed one of the stuffs Scott brought.

Hayley bit her lip as she thinks Scott isn't going to lose him in time. Her dad put her and Jay through the same training and despite their ability to hide better then most as well as knowing the landscape like the back of their hands, they didn't master the art of masking their scent or kept their hearts from beating faster. And it only took their dad 5 mins to find them, which he told it wasn't too bad.

Hayley watched his every move. He turned another sharp corner and hid behind a car, trying to slow his breathing but his heart beat was too loud. She sighed at him and slapped her forehead in annoyance.

But Scott stood still for a moment before he started hitting the hood of one of the cars, making the car alarm go off and Hayley rose her eyebrow. She was surprised by his quick thinking.

Scott got up and kept jumping and hitting other cars waiting for their alarms to go off and he took another sharp corner before hiding between two cars. He breathed heavily and Hayley... actually thought he managed to evade Derek.

However, his phone rang and Hayley sighed. "Damn it, Scott. Always put your phone on vibrate when you are on the run from something or someone.

Derek grabbed him by the collar and threw him on top of the car hood. "You're dead." He said in disappointment.

"What in the hell was that!" Scott yelled as Hayley walked over to them.

"We said that we were gonna teach you. We never said when." She pointed out.

"You guys scared the crap out of me!" Scott replied in annoyance, his breaths heavy and winded.

"Not yet." Derek stated emotionlessly as the two walked away from him.

"Okay, but I was fast, right?" Scott asked, walking behind them.

"Not fast enough. He was hot on your tail. No pun intended." Hayley answered.

"The car alarm thing, that was smart, right?" Scott asked, letting a smile of his own achieve shine on his face.

"Till your phone rang." Derek agreed, not looking back at him.

"Always keep it on vibrate when someone with supernatural hearing is chasing you." Hayley advised.

"Yeah, but that was—I mean-would you just stop!" Scott yelled out in frustration at them. Derek and Hayley stopped in their tracks and turned towards him. "Look, last night there was a mountain lion that attacked Stiles' dad at the parent teacher conferences. I needed to be there and I wasn't. You need to teach me how to control this!" He said angrily and Hayley stepped toward him, causing him to be quiet.

"Look, I am what I am because of birth. Hayley, too. You were bitten. Teaching someone who was bitten takes time. I don't even know if I can teach you," Derek replied before Hayley added.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03 ⏰

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