Chapter Twelve

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She thought she would be overwhelmed with saddeness. That tears should be streaming down her face as despair hugged her heart. Yet she felt nothing. She watched the intimate moment as a scene from a play that didn't interest her enough. She turn her head up to meet the face close to hers. Sasuke did a grimace she didn't understood. Why were they hiding. She didn't understood that either. Would it be that her friends would feel emparrased if they get caught.
She started to feel anxious at that thought. They were picking of something they shouldn't.
She parted her lips at the same moment Naruto's voice broke the harmonic silence that kept the place intact.
"Who's there?"
She locked eyes with the Sharingan weilder. He chuckled under his breath but Sakura's voice hid the noise.
"Someone might have seen us Naruto."
The evident distress throw him off balance.
"Is that bad?"
Hinata couldn't see him as she was glued to the man beside her not to get discovered but his broken voice replaced the numb from before.
Her feet felt lighter. Wind was hitting her face, making her eyes teary at the sudden change. One moment she was stopping on hard wood, only to float in the air in the next. Sasuke was leaving and he was taking her away with him like the weapons on his pockets. She let him. His eyes where fixed straight ahead as hers where on him. He must be incredible strong to carry her all this way without realising it. For a moment he lost his grip but he tighten it not letting her fall. He was deep lost in thoughts she didn't knew. It wasn't her body that he was carrying. He grabbed her out of reflex and fasten his pace. When the dark bricks of a house were visible, he was finally tired. He reached his door ready to enter. It was time to wake him.
"Um, Uchiha-san?"
He turned surprised as if he saw her just now.
"I think that's far enough. I can walk now."
He looked at his hand almost white at the tight grip. He let the blood reach his veins as he further their distance.
He was now three steps atop, his back only visible.
"I would like some tea if you are kind enough to offer."
It was better he couldn't see her face. She surprised herself when the words espaced her lips as if it was someone else who spoke them. He would think she is crazy if he saw her widen eyes on her own words.
"I'm not kind Hyuga."
He left his door open as he walked inside.
Kind enough. She crossed the distinct red door and closed it behind her.
He sat on the couch, his dark cloak throwed beside him unwelcoming her to his place. She stand still but when it was obvious her presence was again lost from his sight she took a step towards the kitchen that was seen from her spot.
Sasuke kept staring the wall. She decided he didn't mind so she walked in the next room to prepare them both a tea.
She searched the cupboards until she found was she was looking for. She stared at the little boxes in front of her. Her finger found its place on her lips as she tried to understand the sight. Sasuke had too many different flavours for a man who never drunk tea.
"What are you doing?" His voice made her jump a little but she turned with her brows still a little frowned.
"I'm thinking." She answered so casually his face lost the usual stoic demeanor.
She suddenly was very aware of her rudeness.
"I'm sorry Uchiha-san, i was going to prepare us something to drink. I was thinking what flavor you might like."
"Get out."
It was expected. She walked to his sanctuary and pribed too much. She passed him as she exit the room to make her way out.
"What do you usually drink?"
She turned only to see him lifting one glass box out of the cupboard.
She remained silent.
"Hyuga." Her family name spoken by him felt as a command she must follow.
"Yes. Jasmine." She answered like she gave a report to her captain.
"Sit. I'll be there in a minute."
She moved to the living room and sat on a chair. It seems he preferred the couch and she didn't want to upset him further.  The sun was setting but enough light would be enter if the dark grey curtains were open. The black furniture didn't help the luminous atmosphere. Yet everything seemed perfectly fit in a bizarre way. He joined her moment later with two steaming mugs on his hands. He left them at the wooden table centred in the middle and to her surprise he walked to open the curtains. He watched her closely as she was sipping her tea.
"It's really nice Uchiha-san."
"It's what you asked." He said indifferent as it was the same if she had spill on the floor.
"I know. Thank you." She smiled but he just offered a glare.
"What are you going to do?" He said suddenly.
"About what?"
He turned his head so she could see him whole.
"About them. About him. Your beloved." He spitted the words like venom.
She took another sip before she answered.
"What do you think I should do Uchiha-san?" Her voice was calm but that angered him more.
"I don't know what is your problem Hyuga. Is it that you think you are not cute enough, strong enough or whatever that make you feel inferior to him. But get a hold of yourself or he might slip away."
She just smiled. He knew but only the grasp.
"He was never here so that he could leave. I thought you understood that."
He got up. Everything she said irritated him.
"He still asked you out. He wanted to try. So why did you turn him down." He pointed his finger outside. "This could be you out there."
Hinata face turned serious.
"I see."
"What?" He yelled.
"You like Sakura-san, don't you?"
She waited for a curse that didn't come. He let him body fall defeated on the couch.
They stayed in silence until the last rays of sunlight faded away.
"I don't." He stopped as quickly as he started.
"It's okay. I won't tell your secret to anyone."
His purple eye was beaming in the moonlight.
"I know her." He said as it explained everything.
She decided she wouldn't interrupted him again.
"She is an open book. I know her." He said calmer. "I know what to expect. No secrets, no deeper meanings. She is who she always was. It's...stable. If I ever wanted to start a family I would choose her. She would love my children as she much as she loves me. She would follow in whatever decisions I found necessary. She would never betray me. She loves me. I know."
Her tea was cold but it didn't stop her.
"Say it." He slowly regained his composure. "Come on Hyuga. I know you have something to say."
As he gave her permission she spoke.
"So why didn't you do something about it? She waited for you. Why did you push her away?"
Hinata had a place in her heart for the pink haired kunoichi even now.
"I prefer to be alone. She was.."
"A backup." She finished his sentence with a slight anger.
"Does it bother you Hyuga? She is to me, what you are to the idiot." He had found his usual self.
"No. You are wrong about that."
He smirked.
"You know I'm not."
"I believe there is another reason. You claim to know her like the palm of your hand. But does she know you? Are you afraid that she loves an ideal image she has created in her mind or are you more afraid she would leave as soon as she knows who you really are Sasuke-kun?"
"Shut up." His voice wasn't raised yet it echoed death.
"I didn't mean to upset you. I'm sorry. I said more than I intended."
"I will shut your mouth the next time you apologize for something I know you wanted."
The red joined the purple. It was a sight out of this world. A sad laugh escaped her.
"I came here to make you feel better. It's something I'm not good at. I'm sor..." She stopped. That gave him a smug smile.
"You learn quickly."
He wasn't willing to continue the matter any longer. She sensed that he had spoke enough. It was the surpise that throw him off and let his tongue slip things that otherwise he would never mention. Especially to her.
"How was your tea?"
It was his attempt to return to the previous state. She respected his wishes.
"Better than the one I have at home. You must tell me the..."
She sensed a flow of chakra. Or rather something to fade away. It was first his eyes that caught her attention and then she traced the change between her hands. She looked down to see the clear water that reflected the moonlight inside her cup. It fell of her hands as he towered her.
"Tell me a truth Hyuga."
She felt helpless. Panic. I can't taste anymore. I don't know how the flowers I grow smell. The cut from yesterday, is it bleeding? I wish you had let me die in that forest. I hate you for that. Naruto loves Sakura. He is better for her than you. The dead can't come back. I wish my father would be like before. His caring hurts more than his harsh words and the cruel training. I hate being around the people I love. You are alone. Trapped like me. I don't want your eyes on me any longer.
"Everyday I wish I was dead instead of Neji."
Tears fell to the side as her head was turned up on his.
"Hn." He moved away freeing her for his eternal gaze.
She breathed heavily, trying to stop herself. It was the first time she admitted it out loud. The first time someone else had heard it. It meant nothing to him. Sasuke Uchiha only cared about threats and the elimination of them. He didn't care about her pathetic existence or the truths she was holding for herself. But he asked and that was the only thing she had to offer. She got up. She felt her knees weak. She would pass out on the street. She had cause enough trouble for the day. Maybe something terrible would happen on her way home.
"Thank you for your hospitality but it's time to go Uchiha-san." She bowed. The tension made her lose her balance.
He caught her before she could hit the floor.
"Sasuke." She heard him say before she pass out.

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