Chapter Sixteen

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Three days had passed from the moment they returned back to Konoha. They discussed their findings with Kakashi in length and all three of them agreed that the attack wasn't a genjutsu. As both of them had experience the effect of genjutsu before they knew this was something else. But with the findings they had they couldn't understand what it was exactly. Kakashi would sent a report back to the Raikage so the man would investigate the sightings further. Hyuga made a comment that the men he would sent should be on their best both physically and mentally. Kakashi agreed to that, seemingly not giving more thought to why she pointed that out. Sasuke knew his former sensei had heard it and his mind had begun to untangle the words she had shared. He had been with the man for many years to understand him. Kakashi seemed too carefree, sometimes stupid and his voice was cheerful when he spoke of the most truthful things. He had underestimated him for years until he finally realised how smart he actually was. Sasuke told him about Orochimaru's request and he said he would think about it. If the snake could give them a hint maybe it would worth the try.
"That is all. I will keep you updated."
They got up as the meeting had ended.
"Oh one more thing."
They stopped just before they exited the door.
"Are you sure you can continue this mission?"
This was Kakashi's way. When you relaxed he asked the questions he had in mind.
"Yes." Sasuke answered and turned again.
"Are you... How Hinata had said it before.. In your top game physically and mentally?"
"Enough with the questions. I destroyed a god Kakashi. Do you think I can't handle some shinobi?"
"I'm not talking only to you Sasuke. Miss Hinata has yet to answer me."
He looked at the girl who had her eyes on the ground. He would kill everyone who was behind that attack. Not only for the safety of the world but for him personally. But he needed Hyuga to complete it. More specifically her Byakugan. If he was trapped again, she could pulled him out. Every user of the bloodline would probably do but he didn't want to risk it. She had done it once already. He didn't know if it was a skill she had but he was unwilling to take that gamble.
"I don't care if she comes or not. I will go."
The girl raised her eyes after his statement. He slightly smirked because he knew what she would answer. Hyuga was easy to manipulate.
"We can handle it Kakashi-sensei. Thank you for your consern."
Yet she never turned her eyes on the silver haired man. If he was observant enough he would know she was lying.


The waiting was unbearable. He was training every day by himself and boredom was slowly killing him. Naruto was out on a mission in the land of water in the most inconvenient time. He would train with her instead even if it wasn't the same. With Naruto he was free to unleash all his power because he knew the idiot could handle it, but she was better than nothing. Yet Hyuga was proving again how irritating she was. She said she was needed in the compound for some clan matters and disappeared for four days. Every day she was away he expected to be summoned in the Hogake building to be informed of the change of his mission companion because Hyuga had thought it through and she declined to work further on the matter. Yet every night came and his prediction was proven wrong. He cursed himself for occupying his mind with the unnecessary thought of her and what she might do. He even though to be the one who asks her removal as she was beginning to be an obstacle. But it was better to frustrate about her than the thoughts that came after she exited his mind.
After their return, sleep was more difficult than before. His mind had recalled moments he thought to be lost forever. The feel of his mother's kiss was almost curved upon his skin. The way she smiled at his was there every time he closed his eyes. The boy was too proud to stay in her embrace on the busy street but the man he was now would never leave her hand.
He would tear them apart until they begged for death. They infested his mind with more anguish for things he was already regretful.
Someone was knocking on his door. He hoped it was the blonde that had returned early so he could vent his frustration. When he reached it he knew that was impossible. Naruto would screamed his name on the second knock, in the third he would bang the door so loudly as to break it down.
When he opened it she had turned her back to leave.
"Not care to wait?" It was fine. He could work his anger on her.
She turned around and Sasuke noticed she was more hesitant that usual.
"I didn't know if you were in there or if you were sleeping." She stopped for a moment.
"I came unannounced and if you are busy..."
"You talk too much." He walked inside and this time she followed. At least she was learning. If she was there they could train. Maybe she came to tell him that she gives up and with that he would have an excuse to be more hard on their fight.
"What do you want?"
He would let her clear her purpose before he changed and demand for a fight.
"I brought you something."
She had a way to surprise him. He gave her that. He just starred at her, waiting. Hyuga stopped as if this was enough explaining from her part.
"Your presence?" He smirked but it took her a moment to understand.
"Oh. No. I have it right here."
She searched the bag she was carrying. Her movement, her voice, everything about her had a nervousness.
"Here." She handed him a metal box.
He took it from her hands and opened it. Inside there were small tea bags.
"I have enough tea." He handed back to her but she moved her hands in denial.
"It's not tea. It's something I made. Much like the ointment i applied to your wounds."
This woman was awkward in every way.
"And what does it do?" He asked plainly.
In that she shrugged.
"It helps with the sleep."
The door knocked stopped him from answering. He placed the metal box on the table. Who was it now? He opened the door, thinking that boredom was better than this.
"Good morning Sasuke-kun." Sakura offered him a wide smile. "Do you want to have breakfast together? I though since Naruto is out you might be lonely. Can I come in?"
Sakura was a garden of flowers that could be dried in an instant. Her shoulders dropped and a sad smile replaced her previous grin.
"I'm on my way to train with Hyuga."
She seemed to cheer up with that explanation until she saw the blue haired woman appear behind him.
"Oh Hinata is here." She spoke mostly to herself. Her guilt was obvious since she had yelled and bullied the woman on the idiot's behalf.
"Can I join you?" Her question was directed mostly to Hyuga than him. Since she didn't know Sasuke's intentions she looked at Sakura dumbfounded.
"If it isn't much trouble." His former teammate added. She took Hyuga's silence for rejection.
"We are going to train Hyuga. You lost enough time slacking." He bypassed her to gather his things. " It's up to you whether she comes or not." His voice was low so only her would hear.

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